Comments on: Get outside (more on Rule #3: Move by 3 p.m.) Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:57:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cynthia Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:57:20 +0000 I feel like a Superhero when I go walking in the extreme cold! It doesn’t have to be long – but it’s like a swim in cold water – it just feels amazing and crazy!

By: Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns Tue, 07 Feb 2023 00:21:03 +0000 I’ve decided to give myself a pass on 23 in ‘23 if it’s below 0F. I know I could go outside but I don’t really feel the benefit when it’s that freaking cold! I tried it one day last week and it was just so awful and unpleasant. Plus I take my walks at work and I don’t want to bring snow pants and such when I am already hauling a laptop, lunch, etc! But above 0F is not bad overall and I’ve done a lot of runs in that kind of weather this winter!

By: Sara Saljoughi Mon, 06 Feb 2023 17:06:47 +0000 It was -30 Celsius a few days last week, so it gets very cold where I live. I still have to go on my daily walk, which does not include walking the dog or walking my kids to school (I do those things too but still need a walk that’s just for me). I survive by wearing wool base layers followed by a sweater and warm pants, wool socks, and all the appropriate outerwear. I frequently preach on the importance of a scarf. If your neck and chin area are exposed, you’ll be cold no matter what. To be honest, I’m frequently too warm on my walks.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 06 Feb 2023 16:25:41 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

@Elisabeth – -40 anything sounds awful. Whatever the scale!

By: KGC Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:38:50 +0000 I subscribe to the ‘no bad weather, just poor clothing choices’ mentality (within reason…no way am I bundling up for the -106 windchills that Mt. Washington saw this weekend!). I HATE hot weather (would be happy if I never saw 80 or above) and love the cold because you can almost always enjoy it with the right gear. For winter running, I do a good baselayer on top, plus 1-2 more layers, fleece lined tights (x2 if really cold), wool knee socks, a neck buff, ear warmer under a hat, sunglasses (if it’s snowing or windy – gotta keep the eyes clear!), and gloves inside of wool mittens. I’ve run down to -5 F (real temp, plus whatever the windchill is) and been just fine, especially once moving. Sometimes the bigger challenge is keeping the hydration pack or water bottle from freezing! (spoiler: a splash of vodka helps, per my ultra trail runner friends)

I’m willing to do all that for cold, but heat and humidity are the worst. THE WORST. I have yet to find the solution to dealing with hot weather…

By: Coree Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:36:51 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

-40C, I would definitely keel over on the spot!! I complain if it’s -3C, which is luckily a rarity in my part of Scotland.

By: Coree Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:35:55 +0000 My plan for this rule was outside time at lunch, as morning exercise is baked into my commute. Today, I asked a pal if she wanted to take a lunchtime walk as a work break, and we had a lovely walk around a walled garden and along the river. So I’ve cycled 5 miles and walked 3 today, with 3 more to go when I do the school run.

I’m in Scotland where it’s often wet and windy, but not a tremendous amount of snow. My cycling gear consists of a cycling cape, which has straps that can go round your legs to keep it down – it keeps me dry to my knees and I can layer a heavier coat or puffer under it, good winter cycling gloves, and cycling ear muffs that go under my helmet. And a good light set-up. If it’s wet, I’ll put my son in waterproof trousers over his school uniform pants (luckily just black leggings, stretchy pants), but I’ll just get wet and change when I get home.

I’m similar if I get cold – I have an electric blanket at home, but sometimes I just need to hop in a hot shower. I’m not naturally disposed to WFH, but an afternoon shower is a definite WFH perk.

By: Elisabeth Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:22:15 +0000 My favourite way to get daily exercise is by walking the kids to school. The first year both my kiddos were at the same elementary school we walked almost every day the whole year. Alas, the last two years have been more hit-and-miss. But we still AIM to do it more days than not. One way or another I have to get the kids to school, and walking provides everyone some doable, but quasi-intensive (we walk briskly for 20 minutes) exercise before 8 am. And, on the days my husband can join, we extend our return route and fit in 30 minutes of time together to talk, plan, etc.

Gear matters so much regardless of season. I have snow pants, leather snowmobiling gloves, and several great cold-weather jackets. For the warmer months, having a visor (I often wear my hair up in buns, so a visor makes it so much easier to shade my face from the sun) and good, comfortable sneakers are a must.

It was -40C here this weekend which happens to be where our temperature scales align! (So it was also -40 Fahrenheit.) Brrr.
