Comments on: Friday miscellany: Annual vacation planning Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 11 Nov 2019 19:26:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy A. Johnson Mon, 11 Nov 2019 19:26:15 +0000 I loved seeing your family photos–it was kind of you to share them with us! Beautiful family, and while I’m sure there are spats and meltdowns, there’s a lot of love in those shots. I’m an only child myself, and only have one child, so I watch your big family life with wonder and amazement.

By: Emily Mon, 11 Nov 2019 16:06:37 +0000 The photos of your family are beautiful, Laura. My favorites are the one of you and your husband kissing w the kids running around (definitely should print and frame!), and the one of the six of you walking and holding hands — and the two photos of all of you crouching down and smiling at each other in the leaves. The outfits are so well-coordinated without being matchy as well. Glad you got a chance to do (made time for 🙂 ) both family and maternity photos!

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 11 Nov 2019 02:13:25 +0000 In reply to Virginia Hahn.

@Virginia – nope, it is not a wise use of resources to have an extremely highly paid woman with specialized skills taking time away from work to do housework and errands. If she enjoys these things, great. But if it’s just that someone has to do them…there are other options.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 11 Nov 2019 02:11:55 +0000 In reply to Nicole Di Crescenzorescenzo.

@Nicole – our childcare costs aren’t really deductible either. There is an amount you can deduct but it is a small proportion of what care costs. I can’t claim it as a business expense – it’s all rather curious. I can spend crazily on a business trip and deduct that but not the childcare that allows me to travel in the first place!

By: Nicole Di Crescenzorescenzo Mon, 11 Nov 2019 01:40:14 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

Hi Laura! Been following for a couple of years, and an Aussie. I have been very inspired by your approach. I think one of the huge disconnects in the approach between Australia and the US comes from the tax treatment of childcare. I have ended up getting a nanny due to various health issues of my children and I am fortunate that I work from home. But my nanny costs are not tax deductible and are really expensive. I am willing to do it because it will keep my career going, it is flexible and I earn decent money (although a lot of it goes to the nanny!). However this makes getting a nanny unattainable and a waste of time for most Aussie women. Childcare centres come with many germs and is unreliable in my experience. So many mums end up looking after the kids, because that is what it is supported in Australia… If you could tax deductible nanny costs I think there would start being different approaches in Australia. My thoughts anyway!

By: Linda Mon, 11 Nov 2019 01:16:40 +0000 Fun to see your growing family. I’ve been following your blog since you were a mother of 2. I would love to hear where you are vacationing next year.

By: Molly Beck Sun, 10 Nov 2019 22:02:31 +0000 Your family photoshoot is just so much fun. The maple tree is an amazing backdrop!! I love the one where you are all holding hands and walking. So fun to think next year you will have a cute new littlest one in the mix too!!

By: Virginia Hahn Sun, 10 Nov 2019 19:13:22 +0000 “Plus, my experience is that people will face even more obstacles in terms of financial stress/dependency and an unfair division of labor at home upon dropping out of the workforce or scaling back.”

Yes, yes, yes. We have many friends in dual-physician families. When the woman’s field is felt to be “less intense” or she chooses to go part-time, guess who is stuck with laundry, Target runs, and sick days?

I don’t want to take days off to shop at Target.

By: Marcia (OrganisingQueen) Sun, 10 Nov 2019 18:52:38 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

Exactly, Laura – that’s the one that was my favourite too 🙂 I left a comment over on your photographer’s blog.

By: Laura Vanderkam Sun, 10 Nov 2019 00:55:14 +0000 In reply to Erin.

@Erin – thank you. And congrats on doing 3 sessions of week of German. Yep, that’s a habit!
