Comments on: Friday miscellany: On my mind this week Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 13:57:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda M Fri, 01 Dec 2017 22:55:27 +0000 I too have been pondering the news of the week. Since I work full time, I’ve never watched much of the Today Show but my husband and I are long time Prairie Home Companion/ Garrison Keillor fans so that news saddened us this week. I agree that it’s a good thing that women are empowered to report this stuff.
My kids are grown so I never had to have deal with the elf. It sounds annoying. I don’t think I missed much but I wish I would have heard of the literary advent calendar when they were growing up. We all would have enjoyed that. Maybe someday… if I ever have grandchildren.

By: Gillian Fri, 01 Dec 2017 22:42:56 +0000 I hate the elf! Who has time. My kids asked why we didn’t have one. I told them that parents have to request an elf from Santa (i.e. purchase one) and that friends elves were very mischievous (one local family took picture of theirs in mixing bowl hotter with a Barbie). I said, we have a very busy house with 4 kids and I cannot deal with an elf having a date with a Barbie in a mixing bowl! They seemed quite satisfied with this answer.

By: Ruth Fri, 01 Dec 2017 20:18:12 +0000 I’m not a fan of Elf on the Shelf. We didn’t do it for our kids, so they don’t miss it. My daughter isn’t doing it for hers, either!

I’m also a big fan of Bach. I think of it as heavy metal Baroque music!

By: lauravanderkam Fri, 01 Dec 2017 19:50:49 +0000 In reply to Debi Simons.

@Debi- thanks! I’m a big fan of preparing in advance. They send us the agenda for the rehearsal, so we know what will be covered. And it’s like a meeting in terms of using time well. My learning notes can just be done with one person (me). If I ask for notes in rehearsal, it’s wasting 40 other people’s time 🙂

By: Debi Simons Fri, 01 Dec 2017 17:52:28 +0000 I always like reading about your singing. I also belong to a choir and and working on our big Christmas concert. My goal: to have the entire set of selections memorized by Monday’s rehearsal. You’re a good inspiration as you mention preparing in advance for your rehearsals.
