Comments on: “Rarely do people question success in the same way they do failure” Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 09 Feb 2015 02:24:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: 5 for 5 blog – Feeling like an impostor? | The 5 for 5 blog Mon, 09 Feb 2015 02:24:52 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29715 […] […]

By: Laura Fri, 06 Feb 2015 19:12:01 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29714 In reply to Alicia.

@Alicia – thank you! And yes, there are many reasons to like Cinnabon, Kat Cole and delicious-ness among them.

By: Alicia Fri, 06 Feb 2015 18:29:53 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29713 I’ve never commented here before, though I am a loyal reader and Laura evangelist. But I had to say – I love Kat Cole so much. Thank you for mentioning her and her common sense wisdom. Keep up the great work, Laura, and that baby is cute as can be!

By: The Frugal Girl Thu, 05 Feb 2015 21:04:03 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29712 In reply to Laura.

In reality, there are some items which are indeed classics and can be worn for some time, but even basics do change some, especially for women.

(Men’s basics seem to be a little more consistent.)

Also, if you’re going to switch out your wardrobe each year, you probably don’t need a $400 pair of pants.

By: Gwen Thompson Thu, 05 Feb 2015 18:57:26 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29711 Good ideas both, as scarves and cardigans go on and off more easily than pullovers this time of year when wildly different indoor/outdoor temperatures require much layering. This also makes me realize color coordination would be easier with more neutral bottoms–thanks!

By: Laura Thu, 05 Feb 2015 18:31:54 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29710 In reply to Gwen Thompson.

@Gwen – scarves? You could wear neutral bottoms, colorful tops, and some sort of interestingly patterned scarf to keep things interesting. I’m doing that or brightly colored cardigans right now. Then again, no one’s accused me of looking interesting.

By: Laura Thu, 05 Feb 2015 18:30:35 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29709 In reply to Linda M.

@Linda M – ah. Yes, that’s often smart. I’ve read some insightful books with not great titles, and I wonder how it’s limited their impact.

By: Gwen Thompson Thu, 05 Feb 2015 15:26:51 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29708 This is venturing a bit off-topic, but all this talk of $400 linen pants you only wear for one season reminded me of my perpetual wardrobe dilemma: I don’t look good in black, and I get bored wearing the same color(s) all the time, because I like lots of different colors, so I spend more time than I’d like figuring out what to wear, as it seems almost impossible to put the theory of mix & match into practice in a colorful closet. Just wondering if anybody has any suggestions for how to spend less time getting dressed without getting more bored with what you wear?

By: Linda M Thu, 05 Feb 2015 15:09:27 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29707 In reply to Laura.

I think Laura meant that Rachel H-E re-released her book under a new title. Something designed to attract more readers I guess.

By: Laura Thu, 05 Feb 2015 14:13:22 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=5341#comment-29706 In reply to The Frugal Girl.

@The Frugal Girl – the fashion spreads continue to crack me up. I think every year they run a spread on “the new classics,” which you are supposed to be able to wear forever. Except the next year there’s a new set of new classics. The target market of affluent RS readers wants to update their (our?) wardrobe annually but doesn’t want to feel so crass that we’re just buying stuff for a year.
