Comments on: Best of Both Worlds podcast: Leadership and part-time culture Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 14 Apr 2020 16:25:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ellie Fri, 03 May 2019 06:11:37 +0000 Very happy to hear from a guest from my corner of the world (here in Belgium, Netherland’s neighbouring country!) Part-time culture is probably less strong here… at least most women go back full-time after the baby is born. Part-time would rather come in later on when kids start school and it gets more complicated to get organised with homework supervision and activities. Fortunately it is also more and more common to see fathers take parental leave and deal with these Wednesday afternoon drive-around! Overall a very interesting discussion (also with Sarah’s situation) as I was recently thinking about my intention to go part-time in two years time as my son will start elementary school and my daughter will be in pre-school (and I also want more time for myself!) But I also figured out that my job will be difficult to scale back on a 4-day work week (i will probably end up doing the same amount of work compressed on a shorter period so more stressful). Thus it would make sense for my husband to go part-time and I think he would be open to it at least for a time. So lot of thinking around that and it is good to hear others’ experiences!

By: Anu Tue, 30 Apr 2019 15:25:45 +0000 I just wanted to say I LOVED this episode! Thank you for featuring a non-US perspective.

I thought the discussion of her commute was very interesting. Yes, she’s obviously in a super lucky situation, but it’s also clear that she’s arranged her life to make it that way. It’s interesting how much commutes or lack thereof can add to your quality of life. I have a much longer commute (about 45 minutes door to door) but the saving grace is that it’s mostly by subway. Having about an hour each day when I can zone out and read a book acts as as great transition ritual between home and work or work and home. And I get a lot of reading done! I wonder if that would be a good future podcast topic.

I thought the question at the end was really interesting too and this article may be relevant to the discussion:

By: Gillian Thu, 25 Apr 2019 14:48:58 +0000 The Q&A was interesting to me and something I think about a lot. My husband is a lawyer and I am a physician. We have 4 kids and I had those children while I was going to medical school and completing residency training. I routinely get asked how we make it all work (my husband never gets asked this, BTW). The real answer to this is the serendipitous timing of our first born just as the Great Recession was getting started. My husband was forced to bend on his career, not because of our family needs, but because of outside circumstances (he was laid off and then underemployed) and it changed the way we parented from the very beginning. Does this mean we have this whole dual-career family thing figured out? No Way! We recently had a long discussion about making it possible for me to stay late at work once or twice a week. But it changed the tenor of these conversations for us, which I think is important. I actually write about it recently for a medical forum. I’ll include the link.

By: Chelsea Wed, 24 Apr 2019 12:05:40 +0000 In reply to SHU.

Yeah – as a student I remember thinking then that all my professors (who were the only people I knew at the time who had written books) were absolutely ancient (and all but one were men), but in retrospect, I think a few were actually pretty young and might very well have had babies or very young children at the time. And the ones who truly were ancient 🙂 had been young once.

Or maybe it’s more a difficulty of thinking of authors as being just “regular people” which of course they are.

By: Hilary Wed, 24 Apr 2019 01:28:02 +0000 I loved this episode! Very interesting to hear a different cultural perspective that was still very applicable to women everywhere. I feel like this episode really got me thinking.

Laura, I also appreciate you sharing that you purposely talk about utilizing a nanny and other outsourcing with great frequency as a way to share the knowledge that this is an option with listeners/readers that may not readily think this way. It took my husband and I a few years to figure out the ways we would benefit from more help and to obtain it. I think part of that delay was because we had never seen the “hacks” or outsourcing we use now when we were growing up. It has made such a difference!

As always thanks to you both for the great work!

By: SHU Tue, 23 Apr 2019 17:24:50 +0000 In reply to Chelsea.

Probably most of them with kids did at some point! One would hope, anyway!!

By: Chelsea Tue, 23 Apr 2019 15:57:00 +0000 Your comments about being the only time management expert stopped at a bus stop waiting for kids reminded me of a similar experience I had. One day I was changing my son’s diaper, and I thought, “I really never pictured the authors of the statistics books I used in college wiping a baby’s butt.” But who knows? Maybe some of them did.
