Comments on: Doing it anyway (or how I came to sing back-up for a heavy metal band) Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 24 Dec 2010 03:50:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 24 Dec 2010 03:50:05 +0000 In reply to JBL in Maine.

@JBL – thanks so much! It was a lot of fun, and certainly one of my resolutions for 2011 is to do more random stuff that might be crazy or might be fun…

By: JBL in Maine Thu, 23 Dec 2010 18:05:05 +0000 IMHO the most important thing parents do for their children is to show them how to live.

If kids think the role of a parent is to spend every waking moment with them and doing for them and dumbing everything down to the level a child can understand, then what examples of adult life are they seeing? What’s the point of growing up if kid stuff is all that life is about?

When your kids see you making a priority of doing adult things that make you happy, then your kids learn it’s an important part of adult life, something to which all kids (should) aspire.

How wonderful for them to be aware you are trying new things you aren’t sure you’ll succeed at doing just because your heart wants it.

What a fine mother you are!!!

By: Denise Fri, 10 Dec 2010 15:22:23 +0000 Glad you took the chance! We all need the reminder–to try it tired, tried it scared, try it nervous, but just take the chance.

By: Cara Marcano Fri, 10 Dec 2010 14:32:09 +0000 Very good! Really enjoyed this post.

By: Chris Jeub Fri, 10 Dec 2010 13:59:01 +0000 Rock on, Laura! This is a great post, and a good reminder to us old fogies. We still have rock ‘n roll in us!
