Comments on: What would you do on a perfect day? Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 01 Nov 2010 14:50:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cara Marcano Mon, 01 Nov 2010 14:50:13 +0000 If you are creative and frugal it is not that much a financial challenge — museum passes can be gotten at our public library, I can barter for a massage. The folks who struggle financially either are honestly out of work or substitute shopping and things for experiences….
What I find is the challenge is getting all or a piece of all of those kind of experiences into one day, when showering and sleeping 7 or 8 hours are on my list! That is it is easy to have a perfect day with your kids and a massage — if you have a backup babysitter that is — not so easy to do that, sleep 8 hours, workout, get into a work project which for most human beings requires some get into it time some mental breaks and a very tight list and ability to turn off the computer and other distractions — have lunch with a friend, dinner and good sex with the hubby… all those things are possible but very very difficult in one day or even too, so the question is how to incorporate maybe them into a week or into a life?
I really try for some great work time everyday, some great kid time everyday even if it is two or three hours, showering every other day, and working out every day.
The rest might be weekly or biweekly happenings… and sometimes just watching a movie feels like a challenge!

But it is the right idea. Right now I’m trying to play a work trip to NYC — and lunch with a friend who wishes it were dinner but has no kids and less job flexibility. Money wise I’m thinking of spending more money on flights to California next week so I can have more time with my kid but maybe two or three or four days away from a child is not the end of the world and that money would be better spent on her or on other things …. a massage for mommy maybe?
