Comments on: First thoughts on the new school year morning schedule Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:24:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:24:37 +0000 In reply to Coree.

@Coree- yeah, definitely don’t want to drop the care too soon…those things are hard to land! That sounds lovey that he will be able to walk. Our area doesn’t really have that, which is too bad.

By: Coree Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:56:30 +0000 Oh a 7am wake up sounds lush. My husband is away and my mum is here to help, and she doesn’t make T go to wrap around, so we’ll all get a bit later start. I think we’ll rejig the schedule next year, at least a few days a week, as I think T will be able to walk to school himself. After Christmas, we are going to start practicing, having him meet me at the library (5 min walk) and gradually working up to home (about a mile). Our problem is that the waitlist for wraparound is so long, if we dropped a day, we’d never get it back so we need to be a bit cautious. And my teaching schedule varies from term to term, with very little notice.

By: Yukun Wu Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:24:00 +0000 All right. I can see now how your household routines changed in response to this September’s circumstances, Ms. Laura Vanderkam.
I think it is great that today’s post is about mornings and then you’ll do one later this week on evenings, Ms. Laura Vanderkam. I have obviously not participated in the challenge of making use of our time in the evenings earlier this year. Now, there is no chance for me to fill out the surveys that you sent out on how we make use of our evenings for the book that you’re writing anymore, is there?

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:58:00 +0000 In reply to Amanda.

@Amanda- yes, long mornings can be nice sometimes, but they can also just be…long. We do a lot of bagels and waffles and squeeze yogurt. Add fruit and it feels more balanced…

By: Amanda Wed, 11 Sep 2024 17:17:35 +0000 This sounds great! We have our first Kindergartener this year and a significantly earlier start time than we’re used to (7:55 as opposed to 9), but so far I’m kind of liking it. Since little ones wake up early anyway there was a lot of mulling about in the mornings that was getting kind of old. I used to try to enjoy this as good family time, but as we’ve added more kids to the mix it’s become more chaotic than I prefer in the morning. I’m enjoying having more of an “up and out” routine. One downside is that our breakfasts are less healthy. We used to make eggs a lot and now we’re doing more bagels/cereal. I’ve done hard boiled eggs a few times but the kids won’t eat the yolks and it feels wasteful to me, and I tried healthy/gluten free muffins to have a make ahead option and the reception was very lukewarm.
