Comments on: Third trimester running (again) Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 24 Oct 2019 10:26:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sophia Thu, 24 Oct 2019 10:26:22 +0000 I wore my husbands fleeces when pregnant

By: Lana Thu, 24 Oct 2019 00:33:25 +0000 Running through third trimester is a dream!! I have a two-year-old, and had to stop running at around Week 15 during my pregnancy due to early round ligament pain and what I later realized was “Symphysis pubis dysfunction”. It sucked, but I continued being active and did something every day: spin class, yoga, swimming a few days a week (never had any back pain, and I attribute it to swimming!) So all in favor of exercising while pregnant, and I hope to do the same if I ended up having a #2!

By: Amy F Tue, 22 Oct 2019 01:36:40 +0000 I really like the Shefit sports bras. They’re really supportive, and perhaps the best of all for an ever changing pregnant body, the ultimate in adjustable fit.

By: Michael Rochelle Mon, 21 Oct 2019 19:03:06 +0000 Awwww, I had no idea with how much you do that you are also pregnant. Congratulations. That is awesome news…and whew…a fifth child. Wow! Good luck with everything and the running. It gives me that extra kick in the pants for me to get in that gym or to be more active in general. If you are still doing it while lugging around a little one internally, there is no reason I shouldn’t be able to do the same!

By: Caitlin Mon, 21 Oct 2019 18:58:45 +0000 My cousin is an avid CrossFitter (she coaches as well), and she worked out every day (with modifications and the approval of her doctor) right up until delivery, and started back up as soon as she was cleared to. Many family members expressed concern and disapproval but I was always very quick to defend her. I wasn’t up to her level (or yours!) and I know there are lots of factors, but I think being active during my own pregnancy helped make for an easy pregnancy, labor/delivery, and recovery.

By: SHU Mon, 21 Oct 2019 16:18:07 +0000 Don’t be self-conscious – be proud!! (And careful – I did once fall while running and earned myself 24 hrs of hospital monitoring while pregnant with Annabel. She seems to have been unscathed 🙂 ).

By: Omdg Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:14:10 +0000 Zip up hoodie one size up from your usual? Maybe in a men’s size? I wore a men’s medium hoodie from old navy up through delivery, and the bump was always completely covered. If you don’t want to go to the store, Amazon has some great knock offs for cheap.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 21 Oct 2019 14:06:50 +0000 In reply to KGC.

@KGC – I probably could make do with some M/L cold weather running gear. Maybe I’ll check out one of the second hand stores like ThredUp for that.
It’s interesting to me that people persist in viewing exercising during pregnancy as “risky” – one of those funny things of risk assessment. When things seem different, we tend to view them as risky, though the stats seem to run the other way. It’s not just a good thing for people to try if they can. The guidelines are starting to shift to that if a pregnant woman doesn’t exercise, she should start.

By: KGC Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:21:20 +0000 I ran with my first until 29 weeks and my second until 2 days before delivery (39 weeks). I did the same as you – double sports bras, support belt, etc., and generally felt good the whole time as long as I slowed down. I ended up going to a local thrift shop and buying a few cold-weather pieces in larger sizes than I typically wear, and those got me through the winter of running while pregnant (I’m typically XS and bought M). I don’t know if you have anything like that near you, but I scored some great stuff – an Under Armour cold-gear jacket ($9), some base layering shirts, and another zip-up. I do tend to carry very small, though, so was able to get away with non-maternity stuff for the most part – if you tend to carry larger, I have no idea if this will work. My tights fit till the end since they could go under the bump, though I do recall running in maternity leggings once or twice.
There are a few good articles about exercising while pregnant, and I found that I had to break them out and have a chat with my husband, who voiced his concern (dislike) for the fact that I was still running 100 miles/month while pregnant. I showed him the literature, cleared it with my doctor, and promised that I would take it easy (and did – there were a few runs that just didn’t feel great, so I stopped and came home). In general, I found that people were more impressed than concerned – at least to my face! I say keep on keeping on, since you’re a seasoned runner and know your body. Good luck!

By: Gillian Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:18:43 +0000 I have a friend who ran until the day she delivered her third child. She was in great shape because she had been exercising throughout pregnancy. She was also able to start running again soon after delivery and was back to her pre-pregnancy level of exercise not long after pregnancy. As long as you are having a healthy pregnancy and are still enjoying it, keep it up!
