Comments on: Better bits of time Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:00:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melanie Padgett Powers Wed, 05 Apr 2017 19:43:19 +0000 After a couple months’ hiatus, I’m back to time tracking. I too love doing it with pen and paper and being mindful about it. Lately, to avoid political news, I’ve taken to listening to podcasts on my phone while I get ready in the morning and when I’m driving. I’ve subscribed to several, and I love having these stories to tune in to. And ever since I got a car with a bluetooth 5 years ago, I take advantage of driving time to call my mom frequently. I’ve also started reading books before bedtime to get back into my old reading habit and to wind down. I’m finding it so much more relaxing than scrolling (no surprise). I also recently took a mindfulness workshop with my husband and am trying to remember to meditate often; it only takes 10 minutes, and the benefits are huge!

By: ARC Sat, 11 Mar 2017 05:12:19 +0000 In reply to Noelle.

I use Chatbooks too, but instead of the auto-print version, I just do one book per year from my regular Instagram account and I can choose photos to remove if I don’t care about them (like random funny signs or food or whatnot). I printed 4 years’ worth in one ambitious weekend, which reminds me, I need to do 2016 now 🙂

By: lauravanderkam Fri, 10 Mar 2017 14:24:53 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth Sharp McKetta.

@Elisabeth – oh wow, I love this one! In summer, I have been known to take 15 minutes for a quick dip in the pool. Little bit of relaxation, not a lot of time.

By: Elisabeth Sharp McKetta Fri, 10 Mar 2017 01:07:37 +0000 I have a friend who calls this process “making time plump.” Here’s my favorite: Our new house came with an indoor hot tub — so when I have five unexpected minutes, I take a dip!

By: lauravanderkam Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:02:42 +0000 In reply to DVStudent.

@DVStudent – thanks so much! I really appreciate your sharing it.

By: DVStudent Thu, 09 Mar 2017 06:17:37 +0000 In reply to lauravanderkam.

A half hour to workout seems so much less daunting than an hour! I’ve been getting to work at Early O’Clock and doing a lot of my early day stuff at the free student gym and making coffee/breakfast in the lab shared kitchen.

Half hour anything seems so much less daunting, for some reason. I should try and schedule half hour blocks of free time rather than whole hours, which feels like i’m being lazy!

By: DVStudent Thu, 09 Mar 2017 06:16:07 +0000 Love this!

Also, in the intervening minutes while I try to work on a talk-saw your TEDTalk and shared it with my classmates-we all loved it! What an awesome talk!

By: EB Wed, 08 Mar 2017 20:27:53 +0000 In reply to Noelle.

I’ve seen that before, but always hated the idea of posting so many photos of my kids on social media (not that I don’t do it already, but I try not to post so often that it would actually fill 1 or more scrapbooks!) Creating a private account is a great idea!

By: Ana Wed, 08 Mar 2017 18:58:54 +0000 I have been on phone-book-reading STREAK over here. Excellent use of those little chunks of time, especially on those days when there really isn’t a stretch long enough to sit down with an actual book.

By: Ana Wed, 08 Mar 2017 18:57:44 +0000 In reply to lauravanderkam.

Not as funny as “happy baby” though!
