Comments on: Weekend: World’s End to Manhattan, with Mahler in between Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 21 May 2019 14:26:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 10 May 2019 12:13:55 +0000 In reply to Cassidy.

@Cassidy – I was wondering about this as I was driving in pouring rain back from the camping trip. I think if I’d been signed up for the race I might have wimped out before even trying to find parking!

By: Cassidy Fri, 10 May 2019 04:06:44 +0000 I ran the Broad Street 10 Miler over the weekend. While I enjoyed the course and energy, I will say – your husband made the right call.

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 07 May 2019 13:15:10 +0000 In reply to Calee.

@Calee- I hope the music is wonderful! I’m sure it will be a great experience!

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 07 May 2019 13:14:45 +0000 In reply to tracy.

@Tracy- I was off in the tent, so no one could see me anyway. That said, I think there’s always a way to do both. Talk for a bit, go off for a bit. I think we all have to live our own lives, and if you’re always worried about what other people think of you, or what they might possibly think of you (because honestly, everyone tends to be in his/her own little world) then you’ll wind up never doing what you want, and that can lead to a lot of resentment and unhappiness.

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 07 May 2019 13:10:06 +0000 In reply to Timothy Hadley.

@Timothy – I have listened to most of them, but not intensely in the way you do when you’re performing a piece. I do plan to revisit them!

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 07 May 2019 13:09:34 +0000 In reply to Catherine.

@Catherine – I’m with you on this one. And I agree that a lot of parents are on their phones so sometimes being on the Kindle app is less strange (though I think it’s great for people to see people reading!)

By: Catherine Mon, 06 May 2019 18:56:32 +0000 In reply to tracy.

I’m a working mother of five children. If I want to read a book sometimes, I’m not going to feel guilty about it! One time I was at a swim meet and brought a paper book to read while none of my kids were swimming (even with three on the team, there was a lot of time in between their races), and another mother snidely remarked that it must be NICE to have time to read books. I brightly replied, “It IS!”

Sometimes it’s great to talk with other parents, and I do think it’s important to know the parents of my kids’ friends, but I don’t think that has to extend to each and every teammate or each and every minute of the activity–especially at a long event. I’ve noticed that people don’t seem to care if someone is on their phone the entire time, even if the team culture frowns on disengagement, so sometimes I will read on the Kindle app instead of with a paper book. But, for the most part, I’m ok with being the parent who has a book anyway. 🙂

By: Timothy Hadley Mon, 06 May 2019 18:42:15 +0000 I’m happy for you to become acquainted with Mahler, surely one of the greatest ever. His 8th is better than the 2nd, and contains choral parts, and the 9th is the best of them all. I hope you’ll listen to them some day.

By: tracy Mon, 06 May 2019 17:31:30 +0000 I want to ask about the time you spend reading while at a kids’ activity. Do you ever get dirty looks or even comments from other parents or are you treated differently as a result of excusing yourself from the activity and not just hanging out with the other parents? My kids are in a variety of activities and I often bring a book to read but almost never read it. It feels rude to the other parents who are chatting and building relationships and camaraderie. And at least to some degree I make myself fee left out.
Sometimes there are all day tournaments where there are periods of down time built in and it’s not a problem to spend 30 minutes here or there alone, away from the group, but more than that seems to rub people the wrong way. There are always parents who have to drop off/pick up another kid or run an errand, but being physically present and not engaged with the group is a different story. I feel when the kids are younger you want to get to know the other parents because your kids are just starting to form friendships, etc. As they get older (I have teenagers), these parent relationships can be part of the kids’ statuses. What do you and your readers think about this dynamic and what do you recommend?

By: Calee Mon, 06 May 2019 17:26:47 +0000 Sounds like a lovely (and full) weekend! My 12-year-old daughter’s youth chorus is singing the Carmina Burana with a local university this weekend. We’ve had weeks of extra rehearsal (after her regular one, so easy logistics) but this Friday I’ll pick her up early from school for a 3-hour dress rehearsal and then the performance is Saturday night. I think she only sings for a total of 2 1/2 minutes so I ran through multiple scenarios of how else to spend that evening but I’ve decided to embrace the downtime of beautiful music!
