Comments on: Best of Both Worlds podcast: Family, finances, and more Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 30 Mar 2020 15:46:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Fri, 27 Mar 2020 17:13:29 +0000 I also enjoyed this episode. It was fun to hear Josh’s voice after hearing so much about him! I enjoyed the conversation, especially the part at the end about paying for your kids college education. My husband and I have debates about that. I paid for mine through loans, scholarships, and working during college. His was paid for 100% by his parents. But we don’t think our son would qualify for loans since we are well compensated and I imagine we’ll still be working when he goes to college – maybe? So I guess we have to take that into consideration.

By: Paula Wed, 25 Mar 2020 15:35:25 +0000 I loved this episode! The three questions are really powerful. I’m going to try them out with my husband. Also, I loved hearing from the couple together! My husband and I just moved to Winston-Salem, so it was so cool to hear about schools that I now know. Made me want to be friends IRL! 🙂 Keep up the great work, Laura and Sarah!
