Comments on: My 2017 quarterly goals (and how I did on my quarterly goals in 2016) Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:01:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caitlin Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:59:51 +0000 Another option might be Bermuda–it’s further north than the Caribbean islands (east of the Carolinas, I think) so they have not yet had issues with Zika. We went there on a cruise and it was really nice, although I don’t know that I recommend cruising through the stormy North Atlantic. Since it is more northern it’s not quite as warm as other places, but a quick search showed it is usually in the 70s in March.

A couple people mentioned Jamaica, but it is most definitely affected by Zika. It might not be as devastating as some places but it is there. I just went there on my honeymoon and it was fantastic, but my OB/GYN said definitely wait six months before trying to get pregnant.

By: Mary Sue Dahill Tue, 03 Jan 2017 14:09:04 +0000 For your 2017 Vacation, try Jamaic and rent a beach house. In Jamaica the beach houses also have a cook and cleaning person. We rented a house on the beach with a pool and a fabulous cook. We loved spending family time together in such a beautiful place. We also ate more traditional Jamaican food than we would have ever had at a resort. Tip – Bring grandparents or an aunt to help with watching the kids. We left the beach house three times in a week. It was so wonderful because I didn’t have to cook or clean up throughout the week. This is still my kids favorite vacation memory.

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 03 Jan 2017 00:40:33 +0000 In reply to Sally.

@Sally- thank you so much!

By: Sally Tue, 03 Jan 2017 00:32:25 +0000 I also pre-ordered the book. Even though I’ve listened to it 2x through on audible I need to support. Your advice has changed my life- thanks!

By: Ruth Williams Mon, 02 Jan 2017 21:22:41 +0000 Linus and Lucy – that one’s difficult for me. The left hand is doing things rhythm-wise that are completely different from what the right hand is doing! Good luck, once you find your sheet music! I bought a dress pattern for my 2-year-old granddaughter a week and a half ago, and it has disappeared! It will turn up eventually.

By: Rhonda Mon, 02 Jan 2017 19:54:23 +0000 So happy I found you in Ted – you are my fav talk, have watched several times. I also like this simple goal technique & have had my family “fill in the blank” using your format. Looking forward to the new book – congrats! I ordered since I know the 1st week really counts – have a family member who is a author. Re: vacation, I am a travel advisor & book a lot of families. Hawaii is great, I book there often and went for my honeymoon 2016. I don’t know how much time you have, but far to go from PHL w/ kids. If kids don’t have passports US Vigin Islands & Puerto Rico are options. I’ve had several families go, no issues w/ Zika. If kids passports Jamica has great all-inclusives w/ fabulous kids programs, same with Mexico. Non-stop flights from PHL, affordable, and again, I ve not had any families have issues w/Zika. Cruise is an option also – lots of fun for the kids. Good luck & thanks for sharing your wisdom!

By: Cb Mon, 02 Jan 2017 17:49:39 +0000 Life is slightly up in the air at the moment – end stages of my PhD, new job for husband, and grappling with a wicked case of all day morning sickness which makes progress on work and life goals more complicated. Feeling slightly superstitious as well, not wanting to plan too much before the scan (2 weeks). But this quarter, I’d like to:

Career: Finish my final draft of my PhD
Relationships: Plan a fun day trip with my husband
Self: Get back to my 2-3x/week yoga practice (studio is strict about no yoga in first tri)
Home: Make a plan for what needs to be done around the house (organisation, purchases, painting)

By: Lily Sun, 01 Jan 2017 23:46:03 +0000 In reply to Sophia.

Come to Hawaii! And please do some talks or book signings while you’re here 🙂

By: Jenna Sun, 01 Jan 2017 17:03:54 +0000 You did really well for the year! And I’m sure this year will be great as well. : )

By: Jamie Weitl Sun, 01 Jan 2017 15:52:44 +0000 Excited for your new book!

RE: vacation. I’ve been booking some great deals in Punta Cana. What week is your break? Send me an email if you’re interested. The current promo ends January 3rd.
