Comments on: Ups and downs of the running streak Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:00:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela Thu, 16 Mar 2017 20:01:02 +0000 I love this idea… maybe if you break your running streak you can keep it an ‘exercise’ streak with some basic workouts you could do anywhere. This is something I would like to try and implement- but Im an obliger… or a questioner, or a questioning obliger ; P

One thing Gretchen Rubin has mentioned before was that with habits its easier to do something everyday rather than just some days, I actually have applied that thought to some household chores and now they really don’t bother me as much, -I may not do them everyday but I view them as something that should be done everyday, as opposed to doing them when they ‘need’ to be done, and pushing off the chore for several days which makes it way worse of a chore to do than if I did it daily.

Also, one of Rubin’s ‘Secrets of Adulthood’ is ‘What we do everyday matters more than what we do once in a while’. This makes me think of the story I tell myself about the person I am (healthy eater, active, kind, etc.). Do my daily actions reflect the story I tell myself? Often no, but I think about this frequently and it has lead me to make some changes, especially when I consider the person my children see me as being.

By: Meghan Thu, 16 Mar 2017 16:56:10 +0000 I’m an upholder, as well. I’ve finally made a personal rule never, ever to do streaks, because the tightening you mention is so detrimental for me. It’s still hard to see a blank in the middle of several days of something, but I’m working on retraining my brain to focus on the total days I did something (yoga, write, wake up early) rather than the days in a row or the days I missed.

By: lauravanderkam Wed, 15 Mar 2017 18:03:32 +0000 In reply to Ana.

@Ana- you’re right that the four tendencies come into play here. Upholders are good at streaks, but we are also prone to “tightening” on goals, to the point where the habit is the master, not us. That’s not really a good thing, and probably misses the point too. I have in mind to modify in Q2 to running the equivalent of a 5k/day which is 21.7 miles/week. That will have the effect of allowing for travel and training and also nudging me toward some long runs too.

By: Ana Wed, 15 Mar 2017 17:07:41 +0000 I’m totally a questioner and “Why?” is my first thought to any kind of streak! So I’d have no problem breaking a streak, the trouble is convincing myself its worthwhile to ever do it. Could you modify your streak to X miles/week? That could better accommodate travel, training, illness and push you to run further each day so you can have a day off (that would actually work better for me!)
