Comments on: A saver learns to spend (guest post) Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 12 Dec 2023 20:16:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: ≫ Bloggity highlights of 2013 Tue, 12 Dec 2023 20:16:56 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-487894 […] A saver learns to spend for Laura Vanderkam. […]

By: Tiffany Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:44:29 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23972 In reply to Anne Bogel.

Anne, my teens do take core classes from people other than me. In fact, my son has taken most of his classes from others. Some college classes and some with a fantastic homeschool group we have here. It also helps that we’re pretty relaxed homeschoolers, especially for the younger kids.

By: Anne Bogel Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:34:41 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23971 In reply to Elizabeth Kane.

Elizabeth, I’m still learning what is worth it to hire out and what isn’t. I’ve only had a cleaning person come to my house a few times. Our theory was that we might as well try it and see what happened.

(I’d be very interested in hearing about your experience if you decide to give it a go.)

By: Anne Bogel Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:33:39 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23970 In reply to TG.

Sarah, you’ve mentioned the French tutor on my blog before (and I think it sounds wonderful!) But I didn’t even remember before I read TG’s comment that I served as a German tutor/babysitter when I was in college. I responded to an ad that a local resident had left with my college’s “help wanted” department. I was a student, not a native speaker, but I’d still like to think it was a great experience for all parties.

By: Anne Bogel Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:31:29 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23969 In reply to Tiffany.

An 8-hour homeschool day takes more out of me than (almost) any day at the office!

My oldest is only 10, so I have no personal experience teaching teens at home, like you do. One of my mentors told me that every college-bound kid should have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a tutor before they head off to school, and take a course entirely from someone who is NOT their parents, and I have those things in the back of my mind as I (very casually) think through what our homeschooling situation could look like in 5 years, if we keep at it.

By: Anne Bogel Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:27:02 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23968 In reply to ARC.

Hey, I think stopping a fight before it starts is worth A LOT.

By: Anne Bogel Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:26:18 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23967 In reply to Laura.

I suspect it has a lot to do with everyone’s individual needs and personalities. In my house, we could get through a day of homeschooling without outside help–but it would take most of the day.

By: TG Tue, 16 Apr 2013 20:25:41 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23966 In reply to sarah.

If you’re near a university, post an ad. Our local Tier 1 research university (pre-internet) had a list of people who were willing to tutor in their native language for somewhat above minimum wage.

By: Anne Bogel Tue, 16 Apr 2013 20:10:50 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23965 In reply to Rebecca.

By: Laura Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:26:20 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3383#comment-23964 In reply to Rebecca.

@Rebecca- that sounds like a nice program. An extra set of hands is wonderful!
