Comments on: Podcast: Making time for community and volunteering Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 16 Apr 2020 15:54:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: lauravanderkam Wed, 14 Mar 2018 16:52:48 +0000 In reply to Phoebe K Farag.

@Phoebe- agreed. When you are doing things that energize you, you’re not really stretching yourself thin. You’re building yourself up! Plus, brilliant to host at your house where the kids are on their own turf.

By: Phoebe K Farag Wed, 14 Mar 2018 16:46:03 +0000 I really enjoyed this podcast. For a little while I started to wonder if I was spreading myself too thin by joining the board of a foundation, but the podcast affirmed something for me as well – that as long as all the things you are doing – family, work, community service, social justice work, hobbies – are making your life full and happy, there’s no reason to scale back. Since the foundation is starting and quite small, we manage by having meetings at my house, where the kids can entertain themselves better. I also occasionally pull in grandma or a nearby sister for help.

By: Clare Fri, 09 Mar 2018 05:16:38 +0000 This was my favourite episode so far. It was so refeshing to hear from a busy working mom who didn’t have a nanny or a significant amount of help.

I love that she noted that it was easier for her to make time to do the things she wanted to because her older kids could be left to their own devices or brought along for the ride.

Kudos to you and Sarah for representing the average working mom who doesn’t have access to alot of help and still makes it work. It gives me hope!!!

By: lauravanderkam Wed, 07 Mar 2018 14:58:07 +0000 In reply to Byrd.

@Byrd – good for you for starting the chapter to support women in STEM. Volunteer work is like anything else, some of it winds up working well and some not, and when time is limited (as it is with jobs and young kids) you need to focus on what you can be most effective doing.

By: lauravanderkam Wed, 07 Mar 2018 14:56:48 +0000 In reply to J..

@J – many years ago I wrote an article about some organizations that purposefully structure volunteer work to accommodate people with jobs (so nights and weekends, and with limited time commitments). It’s a great idea, and I love the idea of family volunteering too. Our church provides a few opportunities like this, and when our littlest is a little older we will do more of them.

By: lauravanderkam Wed, 07 Mar 2018 14:54:04 +0000 In reply to Robin.

@Robin- so glad you enjoyed it! My kids have been blessed with many wonderful teachers and I know they, like Rachel, are focused on the same goal as parents: helping children succeed.

By: Robin Wed, 07 Mar 2018 00:39:53 +0000 I love this topic! I am still in the little kid stage of parenting and I’ve been thinking about how and when I will make time for more frequent volunteering and community involvement. This was such an inspiring interview, too, because Rachel described her work with some issues I’m passionate about. I loved hearing her talk about bringing her kids with her to meetings! I’m a librarian—a profession in which there’s a strong public service element. It’s fun to see libraries through their eyes, and when I can incorporate my kids into professional events, I definitely do.

I really appreciated your question about what teachers want parents to know! With both of the teachers you’ve interviewed, it’s been really interesting to hear the perspectives of parents who also teach.

By: Sarah K Tue, 06 Mar 2018 19:33:55 +0000 In reply to J..

As a municipal employee I just want to say – thank you for your service! It is really important work.

By: Nelle Tue, 06 Mar 2018 18:10:55 +0000 Congratulations to Rachel and her cochair on their success with this very important issue! I heard about it all the way up here in IL where we are trying to make sure people who are incarcerated know their voting rights.

Several months ago I started volunteering with a local activist group mostly around health care and immigrant reforms. I have learned so much and it has built a new purpose into my life that wasn’t there before. At the time I joined they were looking for some online marketing/ communications help, which is something I can do in little pockets of time, is not logistically tricky, and that I enjoy (and have professional experience). We are always trying to let our volunteers know that we welcome their help no matter how small. Specifically with political campaigns and the primary and general election seasons coming up, readers/listeners should know that you can often sign up to write postcards (fun, low-contact) or join ‘text banking’ efforts (reminding voters of their polling places and talking about candidates) from home. It doesn’t have to be going to a protest or making a speech.

By: J. Tue, 06 Mar 2018 17:42:05 +0000 I serve on a commission in my community, and the fact that it is a government body and subject to open meetings laws (agendas must be publicly posted ahead of time; commissioners cannot meet to discuss public business outside of the public meetings, etc.) helps limit the time commitment required. There is “homework” (reviewing documents related to agenda items in preparation for meetings), but I can do it whenever I have time in my schedule before the public meetings. I also work at a nonprofit that relies on volunteers for help during special events; we often have families with elementary school or middle school age kids sign up to volunteer together. And many nonprofits can structure volunteer opportunities to accommodate your schedule–you just have to ask. It may mean not getting to do the specific activity you wanted to if it occurs only during business hours, but you can still help out the organization in a meaningful way. I’ve also helped a couple of community organizations I wanted to be involved with adjust their activities to better accommodate working parents. The organizations were willing, but didn’t realize how they could easily address the issue (for example, providing child care for a members’ meeting).
