Comments on: Best of Both Worlds podcast: Couples that work Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 14 Apr 2020 16:01:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 13 Nov 2019 18:43:45 +0000 In reply to Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns.

@Lisa – yep, the second transition can be an interesting time! I didn’t write much about that in my post, but certainly it can be a rough time for everyone as they figure out their lives. The good news, as Jennifer said, is that once you come through that you can have a real honeymoon period!

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 13 Nov 2019 18:42:46 +0000 In reply to Anu.

@Anu- this sounds great that you’ve had these hard discussions about how you want life to look. A lot of us do wind up talking a lot about logistics, and not about philosophy, and that can lead to problems. Not that logistics don’t matter. They do! But they aren’t all that matter.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 13 Nov 2019 18:40:51 +0000 In reply to Anne.

@Anne- so glad you found this podcast thought-provoking. And yes, it sounds like you two are due for a discussion!

By: Anne Tue, 12 Nov 2019 23:10:55 +0000 Wow! I cannot express how much this resonated with me. My husband is in the military. We are one of those couples who never explicitly discussed how we were going to approach careers and family and life leading up to the first transition phase, it was just assumed that his would be the primary career and mine would be secondary, or non-existent! This has led to a lot of resentment and angst over the years on my part as I have struggled to build a fulfilling career and parent on my own much of the time. We are now in the throes of the second transition and I think we will be having a 15 year overdue chat about alignment of our goals and hopes and dreams over the coming weeks. Thank you for this thought provoking podcast.

By: Anu Tue, 12 Nov 2019 20:46:21 +0000 Thanks for a great interview! Definitely going to be picking up her book.

One insight I particularly enjoyed was the part about how couples who survive the first transition are really explicit about their principles, and not just the logistics. I felt that this really helped my husband and I when we navigated the transition from graduate school to finding a job in “industry”. We were both agreed that we were going to be a dual-primary couple, to use Petriglieri’s terminology, and so we decided to restrict our job search to two areas that we knew would be fertile for both our industries – around NYC and around Boston (there were other personal reasons why we ruled out the West Coast). And we just stuck to that and only applied to companies that could offer us jobs in one of those places, and it’s worked out great.

That initial agreement actually flows into the way we manage a lot of day-to-day stuff. We each treat the other person’s career as important and think constantly about how a particular work or personal decision will impact the other person. It’s a lot of give-and-take: for example, on Thursday I have a quiet day at work, so I’m working from home, and that will allow my husband to attend an early meeting rather than having to wait for the nanny to arrive. On the other hand, next Wednesday I have a meeting I have to attend in person, so my husband is going to cover our nanny taking a day off by taking some time off himself. And actually in neither case did we resent the other person – we just accept it as a natural result of the way we’ve chosen to build our family and often proactively offer up solutions.

By: Lisa of Lisa's Yarns Tue, 12 Nov 2019 19:04:03 +0000 Great interview! I could listen to her all day as I find British accents so soothing! I will definitely be checking out this book. It definitely made me think about how your marriage is impacted by career choices, the timing of when you marry in life, etc. In my case, my husband and I were both 37 when we got married and had our son a year later. We had both kind of worked through the volatile time of what we wanted out of our careers before we married so by the time we had a child, we were both pretty established and comfortable/happy in our roles/industry. I think if we had kids in our 20s when we were still figuring all that out, it would have been harder to balance work + family. I’d be happy to stay at my job for the long haul but my husband would like a more challenging role but he put that off until after we had our son since we had enough change to deal with so her comments about not being the ‘comforter’ hit home with me as part of my role is to push him to search for a new role. Anyways, the interview definitely gave me food for thought!
