Comments on: Books read in February 2020 Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 06 Mar 2020 15:35:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Johnson Fri, 06 Mar 2020 15:35:22 +0000 I remember that I had to stop reading while breastfeeding in the middle of the night because I would get too involved in the book and couldn’t go back to sleep! So I see why you were glad for a particular type of book for that situation 🙂

By: Erin Fri, 06 Mar 2020 12:43:10 +0000 Re Celine-
I read about 2-4 books a month. I love mixing in an Agatha Christie! Still the best for mysteries and a quick read. Doesn’t disappoint!

By: Debi Simons Thu, 05 Mar 2020 19:57:54 +0000 Hi Laura–So glad to see the great Yuval Levin’s book on your list. (I need to read it myself.) Since you’re also a fan of Jonah Goldberg, I’m sure you follow his podcast and got to hear his interview with Levin. My feeling is that as long as there are solid thinkers such as these out there, there’s still hope for America’s heading in a better direction.

By: Laura V Thu, 05 Mar 2020 18:59:13 +0000 I think you would definitely enjoy “Long Bright River” by Liz Moore – set in Philadelphia!! Her past novels are excellent as well.

By: Anke Thu, 05 Mar 2020 17:41:43 +0000 Dear Laura, I read all your books while breast-feeding my twin boys and I am almost finished with “Off the clock”. It makes me thinking so much about time management with my family of six and inspires me a lot. I am also talking to friends a lot about your work! What I just thought… A pediatric nurse just told me to be aware that your mobile phone as it has some cell phone radiation and the fontanel of your baby’s head is not closed yet, so the brain is very vulnerable for radiation at the moment. When I read articles while breast-feeding, I just open the website up and then turn to flight mode.
I love all your articles and always can’t wait to read the next one. Have a great weekend, we will do a little hike with all four kids… Because as you said… We are tired anyway, so what 🙂
Love, Anke from Riesa in Germany
