Comments on: Finishing ahead of schedule Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:07:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sandy Wed, 25 Nov 2015 02:05:02 +0000 Congrats on the race! I ran the Philly Marathon on Sunday and the temp was perfect! Especially since I live in LA and it has been 80 degrees plus my whole training cycle. Not fun.
Your city is great!

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 24 Nov 2015 02:02:19 +0000 In reply to Hilary.

@Hilary- thanks so much for your kind comment! I’m so glad you enjoyed my books. As for finding sitters, we’ve used either or a job board at a local university. Also, sometimes existing sitters have friends who are looking for gigs. But yeah, it’s all about managing the pipeline. Because people are great, and then they graduate, or get different jobs that require evening hours, etc.

And congrats on #3 on the way!

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 24 Nov 2015 02:00:20 +0000 In reply to Katherine.

@Katherine – or when the baby crawls over and licks the stroller tires. That’s a personal favorite of mine.

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 24 Nov 2015 01:59:39 +0000 In reply to Griffin.

@Griffin – humorously, my daughter actually put her cut off hair in the trash can. It was nice that she at least cleaned up after herself. Now she’s been saying “next time I want a hair cut, I should tell you first and you’ll take me to the barbershop.” I guess she learned!

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 24 Nov 2015 01:58:30 +0000 In reply to Catherine @ A Spirited Mind.

@Catherine – oh, fun. At least my daughter’s cut could be turned into something passably normal. It could be worse!

(And glad you’re feeling well enough to be reading blogs!)

By: Hilary Tue, 24 Nov 2015 01:47:06 +0000 Laura, it doesn’t really fit this post, but I read “I Know How She Does It” this summer and really appreciated it. I found that I already put a lot of the strategies in place, but it helped me to identify the strategies and think about their impact which has helped me identify other places in our life to streamline, outsource etc. It also got me thinking about my time more proactively than I have before. I also like how one of your themes about finding joy in small moments fits in very well with trying to practice gratitude, which I have made a conscious effort this year. We are a professional couple with 2 young children (soon to be 3) and I feel that this insight has helped me to really succeed in my roles at work and home. I also read your book “All the Money in the World” and enjoyed that too. So, thank you and keep up the good work! Lastly, any good tips on finding evening babysitters for weekdays? I find this the hardest time slot to find occasional babysitters for. Happy Thanksgiving!

By: Katherine Mon, 23 Nov 2015 23:39:03 +0000 Your race attitude sounds similar to mine when I have a child- brace for it to really suck and hopefully be pleasantly surprised. (Worked for all but number 3! I didn’t brace myself and it really sucked!)

We have only had one haircut experience here but I know there will be more. It feels like a parenting rite of passage. Like when you see the marker on the sofa, or your newly-walking one year old playing in the toilet water. (Happened this morning).

By: Griffin Mon, 23 Nov 2015 20:48:16 +0000 yes, my daughter cut out her ponytail this summer, and i laugh every time i look at the spot and it’s progress. granted,she already has bob, and the piece she cut was a small ponytail on top of her head, but it makes for a funny spurt of hair growing out of the crown. honestly, i think this topic is hysterical and just laughed when i saw the discarded ponytail on the playroom floor. she has not shown interest in doing it again.

By: Catherine @ A Spirited Mind Mon, 23 Nov 2015 17:32:45 +0000 Ah, haircuts. My two-year-old got a hunk of her hair cut off at the scalp by one of her older sisters, then a few days later she found the scissors herself and finished the job by cutting the front of her hair off at the scalp. Now all the short parts are about an inch long and sticking up all over. Lucky for her she’s still cute, and maybe it will grow out in a couple of years…sigh.
