Comments on: Changing a habit Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 28 Jul 2022 21:28:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: why is my coffee creamer chunky? – Coffee Tea Room Thu, 28 Jul 2022 21:28:36 +0000 […] Changing a habit – Laura Vanderkam […]

By: Vanessa King Sun, 16 May 2021 00:01:03 +0000 In reply to Susan.

It’s the night sweats after alcohol that are driving me crazy (also perenopause). Apparently here in Australia there are a lot more alcohol free “spirits” around, I keep meaning to try some, for the sense of a grown-up drink on weekend nights.

By: Kelly in SF Mon, 01 Mar 2021 22:50:11 +0000 I’m here fighting the temptation to suggest tons of dairy alternatives (inside I’m like, “you dont have to go without!”), given that one of my kids has a dairy allergy. But I can see from what you wrote that you’re not really in need of substitutions – I’m pretty impressed by that!

As far as changing a long-term habit, I haven’t found one that was as easy to switch as your cream on coffee, but fingers crossed I come across an easy switch like that someday!

By: Rachel Sat, 27 Feb 2021 00:16:52 +0000 In reply to Brenda.

Try Oat Milk. I don’t really like soy (too sweet) or almond (just not my jam). But Oatly is amazing and has no added sugar! (It says it does but I’m actually such a dork I contacted the company and they confirmed it’s some sort of food labeling thing where it’s naturally occurring sugar/enzymes but it has to be counted as added – since when I originally started buying it it said 0 grams added and then it was changed later. Also treat yourself to a coffee subscription from Blue Bottle for a month or two (and a coffee grinder) and see what you think 🙂

By: Jennie Sun, 21 Feb 2021 22:08:11 +0000 I have chronic sinusitis and need to look into a possible dairy connection. Heaven knows, I eat enough of it. A very good coffee to try is My Brother’s Keeper–Roxeann is my favorite–and part of the proceeds go to helping others.

By: Tara Sun, 21 Feb 2021 16:08:36 +0000 I had to stop drinking Diet Pepsi (and all carbonated drinks) for a surgery that I had 2 years ago. Going from many cans per day to none was very difficult at first, but I was able to do it. I haven’t had any in about 2 1/2 years and don’t miss it at all!

By: Betsy Sun, 21 Feb 2021 05:38:56 +0000 I discovered I was lactose intolerant the first semester of college, after a lifetime (to that point) of loving cheese and ice cream and dairy-filled desserts. This was in fall 2000. The improvements in non-dairy substitutes since then are significant, happily. I highly recommend a trip to the Whole Foods freezer section as they carry myriad brands of non-dairy ice cream. My favorites are their own 365 brand almond based chocolate chip cookie dough and mint chocolate chip. Some ice cream shops now also offer vegan ice cream; I’ve had some great ones. Earth balance has butter substitutes that melt well (for a base for eggs) and bake well (for making cookies, etc). I haven’t found a great non dairy yogurt, cream cheese, or cheese, but when we do homemade pizza night, I load my half up with sauce and toppings and call it a day! Most pizza places will also happily accommodate a request for a pizza or half a pie to be cheeseless.

It’s great you’ve embraced black coffee (I have not!) and I hope you find similar shifts toward dairy free eating manageable!

By: LDMN Sun, 21 Feb 2021 02:39:55 +0000 One thought about the cheese on pizza: I’ve given up dairy on and off, mostly when I was nursing and my daughter had severe reflux. You may want to experiment with some sheep or goat milk cheese – chevre, manchego, pecorino as an alternative.

By: Dawn Herring Sat, 20 Feb 2021 19:15:27 +0000 Hi Laura,
I totally relate to food issues and health. I went gluten free a decade ago. I also gave up cheese 6 or 7 years ago for the same reason you did. I also do very low sugar and zero yeast.
I don’t drink coffee but I do take coconut milk in my cereal.

Health is a seriously motivating factor. Thanks for sharing your own struggle and success story!

By: Miranda Sat, 20 Feb 2021 19:15:20 +0000 In reply to Brenda.

For high end mail order coffee: Onyx, Wandering Goat, Coava, or Kuma.

You can also get an AeroPress for $30 – makes more of an espresso-like coffee and is less bitter.
