Comments on: Wrap-up thread (September 2023 Time Tracking Challenge) Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:20:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:20:01 +0000 In reply to Kate Furst.

@Kate – congrats on finishing the week! Time does feel differently based on how much control you have over it. So being in reactive mode, which feels stressful, can make time feel like it’s moving a lot slower, or consumes a lot more space. I do think tracking is helpful with noticing that not *all* time is like that, so we can feel empowered to use the times that we have more control of, and not let the reactive narrative seize the day…

By: Kate Furst Tue, 19 Sep 2023 02:27:03 +0000 It was the first time I’ve tracked a full week and it was interesting. I tracked work in categories of “work-planned” and “work-reactive”. It always felt like I spend my days in work-reactive mode, which is not very productive. But when I look at the data I can see some days work-reactive mode dominates but actually it’s overall it’s far less than I thought. I guess it feels like more because its quite disruptive and sometimes stressful. I also think I blame it for not getting all my planned work done and perhaps I overestimate how much I can get through during my planned work time. All food for thought.
