Comments on: Day 7 — Early evening post (September 2023 Time Tracking Challenge) Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 18 Sep 2023 12:18:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 18 Sep 2023 12:18:00 +0000 In reply to Amanda.

@Amanda – it’s kind of a mix. I aim not to put calls/meeting in the AM unless it’s hard to avoid – those are my writing hours. So then the question is when I put stuff in the afternoon. I do aim to leave some time open for at least a short walk. A run is better if I can do it. I tend not to block those on the calendar, though — I’ll just look to see when is open and go then. When I’m really doing things well, I’ll try to put all “hard landscape” stuff on 2 days and then I can be flexible on when I workout on the others…

By: Amanda Mon, 18 Sep 2023 11:55:52 +0000 It enjoyed catching up on your time log; thank you for sharing. I see you typically get a run or workout in during the middle of your work day, which I find appealing. Do you usually look ahead and plan when your run will happen and block your calendar?

I also work from home and typically work out early in the morning, as I often find it hard to stop for a longer break during the work day. Work fills all available time, as I try to fit my work hours during childcare.
