Comments on: My well-measured life (part 1) Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:23:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cloud Thu, 21 Feb 2013 06:11:11 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23341 In reply to gwinne.

I often track my time, and in fact once worked as a contractor and HAD to track my time at work. The system that I find works best for keeping it non-intrusive is to set up a spreadsheet (or time tracking app- there are apps aimed at contractors who have to charge by the hour) and then mark your time whenever you switch tasks. If your job isn’t computer based and/or you want to track time at home and don’t keep a computer handy, you can print out a spreadsheet and mark your time on the printout. Unless you want to do statistics, you probably don’t need to transfer the numbers to the computer- just seeing the marks on the spreadsheet will be enough. I wrote up my method last time I did a timetracking exercise:

By: Cara Marcano Tue, 19 Feb 2013 20:15:39 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23340 I have NO trouble with a.m. hours but that might be b/c mine go to bed with me not at 7 or 8… this is bad for down time for me but I never have them up at 6 a.m. I haven’t managed to get myself up at 5:45 a.m. for a run or something but I decided recently that 10 lbs and good sleep are more important to me than a militant 5:45 a..m run schedule… I travel overnight for work sometimes and I’m going to say that honestly I am not that interested in overnight travel while my son is young (he is 2 so I do wonder when I will feel ready for it again in terms of like hey honey let’s take a cruise) when I do it for work it is one thing but I actually just don’t enjoy that much carving out free time without kids.. my husband works a lot so that might be part of it b/c when he is home I’d rather us all be together etc. what works for me is just putting one or two or three most important things on there and having work-free blocks of time. I started saying Sunday is a no work day.. I can do laundry, yoga, run, whatever but no work.. it is working for me.

By: Laura Tue, 19 Feb 2013 18:49:57 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23339 In reply to Calee.

@Calee- the homework in the AM for the kindergartner is a good idea. But my kindergartner isn’t the problem. If I only had the older two, we’d do better with the mornings because they don’t need to be constantly attended to… Well, the toddler will grow up.

By: Laura Tue, 19 Feb 2013 18:48:06 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23338 In reply to Ana.

@Ana- I know. I’m looking forward to being able to go out and play in the yard at 7 am. This morning, I had the 6 am to 9 am shift and I really did not use it optimally. I’m trying, but it’s hard. I keep hoping the baby will sleep past 6:30 — some days she does. Others, she does not. It’s the whole baby roulette thing.

By: Laura Tue, 19 Feb 2013 18:45:17 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23337 In reply to gwinne.

@Gwinne- I think the technology is almost there that this should, soon, become a more passive experience (logging time). Think smart objects. Your shoes could report to your phone that you’re exercising. Your computer would log what you’re doing at work. Your bed would register that you’re in it. Your car, likewise. Until we’re there, I agree that logging time takes time, but that’s why I don’t do it every week. A few weeks here and there keep me mindful. I’ve posted a few full logs in the past; if you search 168 Hours Challenge on this blog they should come up…

By: Calee Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:19:38 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23336 In reply to Laura.

We’ve pretty much switched to having our Kindergartener do her homework in the mornings. It’s not like it takes her very long and she’s much more willing to do it early. I know some people who set out a small craft (or legos or something) on the kitchen table before they go to bed so the kids wake up to something novel. But when it comes to wrangling 3 kids in the morning, that’s out of my league…

By: gwinne Tue, 19 Feb 2013 16:08:06 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23335 Interesting to read your experience. I wonder, have you posted (or would you post) a whole weekly log?

I’ve tried to track my time several times but find it takes too much time to record! Much better for me to think about my day while I’m in the shower or something and reflect on the moments that could have been spent “better.” Not as accurate, I know…

By: Ana Tue, 19 Feb 2013 15:12:50 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23334 In reply to Laura.

Laura, if you figure it out, let me know! Only my youngest is up that early (pre-6am most days), and its hard keeping him occupied until big brother gets up (7-7:30). I realized that when it warms up & gets light out, I can take him to a nearby park & have my coffee to go…but these cold dark morning are sooooo looooonnnnngggg!

By: Laura Tue, 19 Feb 2013 14:12:59 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23333 In reply to Nadia.

@Nadia – I’m always willing to take a look at another log. Go for it! I believe the truth sets us free. I had a good week, but I was still aware of time I could be spending much better. My longish mornings with the kids are a big one. How can one spend 6-9 a.m. with small kids best? Especially when it’s dark and cold? I’m trying to figure this out.

By: Nadia Tue, 19 Feb 2013 11:42:45 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=3200#comment-23332 I seem to always stall quite quickly when logging my time. I think I am afraid of the truth and the changes that will be necessary if I were to do it for a whole week…but you have inspired me, it will be my goal for the week to log my time and face the truth. I will let you know if I succeed or not. Are you keen to receive another time log, or are you “full” at the moment?
