Comments on: Hidden dangers of the time crunch myth Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:06:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Fri, 18 Nov 2011 14:06:11 +0000 Language is such a powerful tool. I have seen people use it to their DISadvantage by believing their own ‘I am so busy’ mantra. Next thing they know… they feel overwhelmed and busy!

By: Laura Fri, 18 Nov 2011 02:22:21 +0000 In reply to Cara.

@Cara- I haven’t read the book… I read somewhere about a scene of her distressing a store-bought pie so it looked home made. The female heads of hedge funds I’ve talked to often have people cooking for them. In other words, they could have a home made pie without actually having to make it. Very high end women have a different life than the usual craziness.

By: Laura Fri, 18 Nov 2011 02:20:12 +0000 In reply to diana watters.

@Diana- yes, that is exactly what “I’m so busy” means. It’s a nice way of bragging. A socially acceptable way, since saying how popular and successful one is generally doesn’t go over that well.

By: Laura Fri, 18 Nov 2011 02:17:19 +0000 In reply to Emily.

@Emily- I often wonder what these people are thinking. Like seriously, what do you think is going through their minds? I hope they’re not thinking at all. Otherwise, ugh.

By: Emily Thu, 17 Nov 2011 20:37:56 +0000 Some parents do a similar thing at my daughter’s elementary school. The rule is that if you are dropping off your child, you are supposed to wait until your vehicle is one of the first two in line. The two vehicles in the front are to let their children off, then drive away, then the next two vehicles drive up and let their children out, then drive away, and so on and so forth. Half the time, while I’m patiently waiting until my vehicle is one of the first two, the people behind me are letting their children out early. Then, when my vehicle is where I am supposed to actually let my daughter out, those vehicles that were behind me and have already let their children out, drive around my car on the side of my car that my daughter gets out from. This drives me crazy. It takes all of about two minutes tops from when you enter this line until you drive away. Seriously…..two minutes, and they are driving around cars that are letting children out of them so they don’t have to wait.

By: Cara Thu, 17 Nov 2011 19:14:26 +0000 I think that folks are very stressed out, worried about their often salaried jobs and the big folks above them. Not everyone is entrepreneurial and work for themselves … I do and I’ve made a lot of personal and professional sacrifices to say fu to whatever I want whenever I want at the detriment only of my own bank account not my job security. that said.. if you are late it is usually your own fault and not worth running a child over! Also I find a good drop off is very very important to me as a working mom more important than the rest of the day so I’m willing to sacrifice

Working moms are very very busy…. and life is totally crazy.. but it is also a series of choices and priorities… and negotiations… and a feeling of life being out of control is usually in my experience a lack of owning that rather than a really unworkable situation.. I am reading the book I Don’t Know How She Does It and I find it to be an accurate, humorous and sympathetic way to say yes I am so busy! But the protag does own her choices! Which I think we all have to do !

By: diana watters Thu, 17 Nov 2011 17:57:36 +0000 I think people use “I’m so busy” as a way of bragging. What they want to say is “I’m popular, successful, sought-after, and indispensable.” What they don’t realize is that we all know busy does not necessarily mean you are accomplishing anything. The best thing I have learned from you, Laura, is: Every minute is a choice.
I try to pass these little words of wisdom on whenever I get the opportunity. Thanks!
