Comments on: Kids, toys and the value of money Writer, Author, Speaker Wed, 17 Nov 2010 21:52:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cara Marcano Wed, 17 Nov 2010 21:52:54 +0000 OMG they want to put everything in the bath tub! They don’t know better and it is super cute, but not good for the books or trains!

I’ve bought that chicken little book twice b/c it went in the bath tub. I used to skim read things while she was in the bath tub b/c I was standing right next to her and used to give her a bath in the sink… and then she started wanting to take the books in the bath tub… bad mommy for trying to multitask!

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 17 Nov 2010 13:33:23 +0000 In reply to Miles.

@Miles – thanks for your comment. I like what you are saying. Why am I so worried about my child being spoiled? I want him to experience moments of great joy, and sometimes that involves spending money. Especially in ways that show I’m thinking about what he would like.

By: Miles Wed, 17 Nov 2010 04:34:17 +0000 Of course money can’t buy love. And we want to teach our kids all the important things. But we also want to just shower them with love, and sometimes that means spending frivolous money on them because they want something.

If you do it all the time, that’s likely a problem. But sometimes you just need to be extravagant. Parenting (like life in general) is a mixture of body, mind and soul– the physical, the mental and the emotional. All are necessary ways of expressing love.

Don’t let fear rule you. “Perfect love casts out fear.” While that means something different in its full context, it turns out to be an excellent, general principle.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 17 Nov 2010 03:09:00 +0000 In reply to Cara Marcano.

@Cara- yes, we are trying to teach him to care for things. The trains can’t go in the bath, they can only watch.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 17 Nov 2010 03:08:14 +0000 In reply to diana watters.

@Diana- probably true. And he really does love the toy — he keeps talking about it and playing with it, so there we go. But like I said, I think I will start hunting on eBay for these trains…

By: Cara Marcano Wed, 17 Nov 2010 02:31:14 +0000 Umm, I question in general the value of toys to young children. WE buy them, they loose them or get bored of them so fast. I think if they are into something it is great to encourage their interests and trains are a kind of intellectual interest… I mean if he grows up to be like a civil engineer one day… you can pat yourself on the back…

But things don’t buy happiness… and the ability to live on less and just know where your stuff is and really value say experiences over material things is good… But frugality has its limit… I mean how long will he be 3 and want to spend all day with you in the bookstore or be that into trains

My daughter’s bday presents — half of them we didn’t even give her b/c I felt she couldn’t really enjoy that many gifts at once (she is only 2 and it is like overload for them) so I am giving them at xmas — this of course does not work once they know the difference… but nowadays a kid has a bday party and gets 20 gifts and where do you even put 20 gifts…

I also have walked out of stores when she starts asking for stuff b/c I think window shopping is fun for a two year old and they go on to the next thing so fast…. by the time you get the toy home sometimes it is like they don’t remember.. and it teaches that just b/c we went into a store we don’t have to buy anything (umm store clerks do not really like this )

At least he has a brother so all toys can be passed down (and of course girls love trains too!)

More important than not buying things is maybe teaching them to keep their things clean and value their things so they last… I mean if you value what you buy and it brings you pleasure as this seems to … it seems good… and you don’ want all your money in your 401K — just for when you are old and your kid is not a kid and not interested in the bookstore with you…

By: diana watters Wed, 17 Nov 2010 00:48:53 +0000 Stop feeling so guilty. The kid is three! He is not even capable of learning (or caring) about 401k funding or health insurance. And he shouldn’t have to. He knows nothing about any of those things. He knows Gordon. And he loves him. If you bought it because you wanted to buy it for him, that’s one thing. If you bought it because you were afraid of a tantrum in the bookstore, that’s entirely different. I doubt that he felt entitled. He just really wanted Gordon. And you had the means to get it for him and you did. the end.
