Comments on: Which is better? Batching tasks or bit by bit? Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 03 Feb 2011 16:08:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Thu, 03 Feb 2011 16:08:38 +0000 In reply to Nadia.

@Nadia- also a good idea. There is probably a middle ground between once a year and every time I get a receipt.

By: Nadia Thu, 03 Feb 2011 14:52:31 +0000 Batching every month or two rather than doing the whole thing at the end of the year also works well: you’re less likely to have lost receipts or forgotten what they’re for, and it takes a solid chunk of time but not a whole afternoon (or day!).

By: Denise Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:57:02 +0000 a dilemma I face regularly as well, with credit card receipts, as I charge everything to get the cash back bonus, but always put the cash with the receipt.
It has helped me to sort the receipts as they come in, but tackle them in bunches. I keep a coupon-type filer, that I’ve labeled alphabetically. (some stores like Target and the supermarket have their own label) I put all the receipts in their place, then when I batch them they are easy to find. Since we budget with a sort of envelope system I also mark the receipt with the envelope label -“gift $”, “food $”
I too have come to realize that doing all of them once, rather than one at a time, has made things easier.

By: Cara Marcano Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:16:13 +0000 Batching is probably better right? It also helps you focus on good enough … b/c when you do things bit by bit you tend to be more detail focused, whereas when you say ok I’ve got six hours to plow through this you get synergies and start to go more big picture… the problem is all the distractions and day to day stuff… like I’m sure it takes discipline for you not to check your email to see if you got some plum writing assignment while doing that other important but mundane task.

By: Elaine Shannon Wed, 02 Feb 2011 11:45:14 +0000 I agree, batching saves valuable energy and time…and if you feel the need you can batch and then delegate. Especially for those things that have to be done but perhaps not by you.
