Comments on: Podcast: Can life be fun during the toddler years? Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:21:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephanie S. Wed, 29 Nov 2017 17:02:59 +0000 In reply to Omdg.

I appreciate you articulating this! I thought I wanted another baby right away, but now that we’re tiptoeing into toddler years (a 14-month old), we’re waiting for a while (maybe forever?), because I feel like I’m drowning.

By: Anne Wed, 08 Nov 2017 16:28:49 +0000 As a working mom of a 15-month-old, this podcast really spoke to me! In addition to finding some time for fun, one strategy I have found hugely helpful in navigating this new stage of life is in building my village. Whether I’m reading your books, listening to podcasts like yours, texting with new mom friends and family, going to mom groups and playdates, or chatting with friends in the office who are in a similar life stage, it has been helpful to gain strategies for making this stage of life work- and to know I’m far from alone.

By: Kristen Sat, 04 Nov 2017 17:46:33 +0000 Hello! I think this is the episode where you discussed sleep training too. I want to plug hiring a night nanny to actually help the child learn to sleep. It’s the number 1 parenting advice I give. I could talk for hours singing night nanny praise! Yes it’s pricey. Yes it’s sanity. I work full time/ own my business/ adopted my daughter as a solo parent household – and I tell every family – no matter what the make up – night nanny for the win!

By: Jenny Thu, 02 Nov 2017 16:41:51 +0000 This was a really interesting episode. I got laid off when my daughter was 15 months, so we took her out of daycare to save money and I was home with her while I looked for a new job. It took about four months and it was HARD. That age is just tough, I think…they need supervision every minute and they’re not steady walkers nor good communicators yet, etc. OMG, I was so happy when I finally got a job offer. I also distinctly remember that we too started the “should we have another” conversation when our first was right around that age, but we didn’t actually start trying until she was more than three years old. I’m due with our second next week, and my daughter turns four tomorrow, and that age gap feels fantastic to us. I 1000% could not have done the two-under-two thing (or even two under three) that so many people seem to idealize.

If I could do that time period over again, I would have started our daughter on monthly overnights at grandma’s as soon as I was doing breastfeeding (we did eventually start, but it came much later). We too often did the weekend morning blocks “off” (Saturdays for me, Sundays for my husband) where the other person would take the kiddo out of the house. And I think Laura was exactly correct in identifying that you need to just…schedule something fun in instead of waiting for the time to open up, because it won’t. In my experience, it doesn’t even need to be that often…I have a lot of stuff that happens roughly monthly (and often less frequently than that), like dinner with a certain friend, movie night with another, date night with husband, etc. Just having that stuff on the calendar to look forward to helps my mindset a ton.

By: ARC Thu, 02 Nov 2017 01:39:11 +0000 My favorite tip was to pre-schedule a block of time “off” on the weekends with my husband – he’d get a half day to himself and so would I, to do something either in or out of the house while the other person was responsible for kid-wrangling. Having that pre-scheduled made us plan what we were saving our precious alone time for 😉

My work had ‘backup care’ hours available and it happened to be at the same daycare my child was already attending. Since I worked part-time and had some flexibility in my schedule, I often shuffled around work hours a bit, and then would use the backup hours for an extra day to run errands, do a little work, or catch up on appointments for myself (haircuts, etc) or just SLEEP.

By: Byrd Wed, 01 Nov 2017 13:02:21 +0000 In reply to Ruth.

YES – I love those ‘mommy days off’ where my work is off for a random day (like Good Friday) but daycare is still open. (And I have a 2 year old so I’m right there as far as this article goes).

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 31 Oct 2017 19:48:54 +0000 In reply to Ruth.

@Ruth – I definitely agree that there are mental upsides to keeping the career going. Talking with adults during the day for instance!

By: Ruth Tue, 31 Oct 2017 16:42:30 +0000 Working outside the home. When my husband and I worked different shifts, he got the kids in the morning and I got them in the evening. When they were in daycare, and I had holidays off, I took them to daycare so I could have an entire day to myself. If I had been a SAHM, I’d have gone crazy.

By: SHU Tue, 31 Oct 2017 16:16:37 +0000 In reply to Omdg.

YES valid points!

Also I am with you that I am happier being a working mom. I don’t necessarily think I’d be going for #3 if I were the one home with them all day. I would probably be quite happy being the SAHM of school age kids (like A&C’s age or older), doing my own thing on the side, but not during the baby/toddler phase. Do I LOVE my kids and am I excited for another one? YES! But would I relish being the on-call parent 24/7 during the baby phase for 2+ years? No. And I’m cool with that 🙂

By: Omdg Tue, 31 Oct 2017 15:48:51 +0000 It’s also ok not to have a second kid, or to wait. I realize this is not a popular thing to say, especially among your listeners, but it is true. If you have another baby, it will just be that much longer before you get you body and your life back. For me, having a kid effectively removed every single activity I enjoyed from my life, and replaced them with chores. It’s understandable not wanting to go back to that.

Personally, I loved 12-24 months, but that was because I was back in med school and saw my daughter exclusively on evenings and weekends, like a typical man sees his children. We hired an au pair and finally had that missing family member to take care of all the childcare crap I hate doing (cooking, cleaning, schlepping) and provide babysitting so I could spend time with my husband. I am, as far as I can tell, the only woman who says she loves that age. So, perhaps your listener would be happier if she worked more and did less toddler care too.
