Comments on: My 2016 quarterly goals Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:06:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: MonthlyResolutions Sun, 01 Jan 2017 20:26:24 +0000 I’ve developed something I call a Monthly resolution system. I spent the last year setting monthly goals, and while I didn’t hit all of them, it was encouraging to meet most. More than anything else, it gave me a sense of power over my habits, like caffeine, sugar etc… I love my coffee and I gave it up just for 30 days, to prove I could do it… This set off a chain reaction of hitting other goals that I really wanted to build into a habit, and I ended up getting to a workout at least 30 days in a row (something I haven’t managed to do in 6 years! )

This year, I intended to do this on a quarterly basis, when I found Laura’s Tedtalk and this website. I am going to re-frame some of my priorities on a quarterly basis and see where it takes me.

By: lauravanderkam Mon, 11 Jan 2016 01:35:51 +0000 In reply to Yana.

@Yana – there were many versions and drafts of this list. You’re seeing the much-edited version here. It didn’t start out this way!

By: Yana Fri, 08 Jan 2016 21:19:35 +0000 wow! everything is sweet and simple! Is it this simple in your mind? I have so many small projects/goals/to dos that overwhelm my mind with how and when they should be done and how many other unexpected things will show up in my to do list. Your plan is so straightforward! I need to learn this skill of simplifying!

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:20:46 +0000 In reply to Kelli Brown.

@Kelli- #5! Here’s hoping all goes well! And six months is plenty 🙂

By: Kelli Brown Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:12:43 +0000 I’m only aiming to plan six months at a time for now…
Q1: Career – adjust to new clients added for 2016; Relationships – prepare for meeting baby #5; Self: give birth/recover.
Q2: Career – return to work while hubby takes paternity leave; Relationships – plan more events with friends; Self: get back to exercise after the all clear from the doc.

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 05 Jan 2016 13:54:42 +0000 In reply to June.

@June – it’s more of a guideline than anything else. Last year I planned to run a half-marathon in Q3, but I felt ready by Q2 and had an option available, so I did it. I guess the mindset is that if you feel like working on something early, great, but you’re not holding yourself to it until the appropriate quarter.

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 05 Jan 2016 13:52:42 +0000 In reply to Emily.

@Emily – these are great! If you’d like to move up the time tracking, I’m doing a “time tracking challenge next week” – makes it easy to follow along.

By: Cb Tue, 05 Jan 2016 11:49:19 +0000 In reply to lauravanderkam.

I know, I’m very excited. It’s not overly far off the ground but is supposed to be great for your balance and joints.

By: Emily Tue, 05 Jan 2016 02:36:33 +0000 Also like the quarterly goal idea–I usually do yearly goals and I’ve decided to leave a few of those for myself, mostly things that don’t involve a huge change from what I’m already doing and that I’d like to keep up for the whole year. For instance: eat more vegetables, read 3 books/month, spend less time on the phone around my kids, and give my kids less screen time. But I’m trying quarterly goals too now! These are all personal/family goals rather than work goals which I won’t get into here.
Q1: Finish drafting our wills, learn to cook a few go-to recipes (my husband currently does all the cooking and I need to step up in this area a little but my skills are woefully lacking)
Q2: Do a week of time-tracking (also inspired by your), work out every day for a month
Q3: try daily journaling for at least a month, go on a kids-free vacation
Q4: not sure–I’ll be starting a new job during this quarter so I may not have other specific goals other than getting acclimated there

By: June Mon, 04 Jan 2016 20:23:48 +0000 I really like these as well – they are clear and achievable. I also think it’s great that you mapped out the whole year; sometimes I have trouble because something that seemed relevant in January doesn’t feel that way in September. Obviously, for some of these goals you have to work on them all year, but what about the others? Start working early or only in their quarter?
