Comments on: What do I love to do? Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:01:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Stevenson Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:01:24 +0000 “…it is a fascinating economics story of immigrants choosing to open businesses that they never, ever want their children to go into, because they want their children to be doctors and lawyers instead.”

I have observed a lot of lawyers and doctors who’re overworked and overstressed. I know you book’s overall thesis is that most of us have much more free time than we imagine, but physicians and attorneys often do put in some horrendous hours.

I operate a personal training studio, and find that lawyers in particular make for very high maintenance clients, because they are always having to cancel their training appointments and reschedule. Something is always “coming up” at the office with these folks.

So yep, they make lots of money…but those parents should be careful what they wish for.

Then again, I’m sure immigrants from impoverished countries have a whole different notion of what constitutes “overworked” than us spoiled Americans basking in our affluent lifestyles, relative to most of the rest of the world. The specter of poverty is probably so seared into their memories, that the life of a doctor or lawyer…however “overworked” they may be….must seem like the promised land to them.
