Comments on: Podcast: Now live! Plus Monday miscellany Writer, Author, Speaker Wed, 25 Apr 2018 18:41:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: lauravanderkam Sat, 26 Aug 2017 17:06:10 +0000 In reply to Brigitta.

@Brigitta – we are thinking about doing an episode on billable hour hacks. Not that you can change the actual hours billed, BUT if you can bill a higher proportion of hours, that is a good thing.

By: Brigitta Sat, 26 Aug 2017 02:37:01 +0000 I was just in chicago for work and looked at the same exhibits! I will subscribe and listen to the podcast, as I really enjoy your work so the podcast must be good as well. I work for a public accounting firm, so we have to track our time by the tenth of an hour or so. It definitely makes me aware of how much time is passing. If only I would translate the time tracking to the entirety of my life.

By: lauravanderkam Fri, 25 Aug 2017 14:50:02 +0000 In reply to Alissa.

@Alissa- So glad you liked it. Episode #4 is going to be longer (we had a lot to say about childcare!) but the others will be in the 30-35 minute range!

By: Alissa Fri, 25 Aug 2017 14:21:25 +0000 Really have enjoyed these first three episodes of the podcast (listened to them all in 2 days proving you can make time for what is important!). I also love that it’s 30 minutes – long enough to go deep but also short enough to listen to on a commute, an evening walk (or run) or in 2 15 minute chore doing chunks.

By: lauravanderkam Thu, 24 Aug 2017 22:31:22 +0000 In reply to Meghan.

@Meghan – so glad you like the podcast! And yes, the lots-of-kids thing can be overwhelming at times, but there are also economies of scale. Agreed that it’s hard to enjoy leisure time at the end of the day. I’m getting better at it, but there’s always the urge to answer one more email.

By: lauravanderkam Thu, 24 Aug 2017 22:29:54 +0000 In reply to Anna.

@Anna- I will check out Straight and Curly – and yes, we’ll be on other places than iTunes soon!

By: lauravanderkam Thu, 24 Aug 2017 22:29:32 +0000 In reply to Monica.

@Monica- thanks so much! They were fun conversations to have!

By: Meghan Thu, 24 Aug 2017 21:13:44 +0000 In reply to lauravanderkam.

Thanks! We have posted the trailer to the website (linked from my comment), and it’s been fun to have these conversations.
I just binged on all three episodes of yours and can’t wait for the next one! I thought a lot about what you said about having more than 2 children. I always wanted 3, but have settled on just the 2 I have, and I realized it’s a lot because of the supplemental childcare situation, and redesigning that every 1-2 years as we move is overwhelming. I would love to hear more about split shifts – I’ve started doing more in the early mornings – and the concept of quitting time. This sounds dumb, but as a business owner and creative-on-the-side person, it’s so hard to give myself permission to do *whatever I want* at the end of the day!
Anyway, love the podcast!

By: Monica Thu, 24 Aug 2017 19:21:24 +0000 Congratulations on the podcast! Really enjoyed listening to the first three episodes. You have a great format and I love how organic the conversations sound between you and Sarah. Will keep tuning in for sure.

By: Anna Thu, 24 Aug 2017 18:52:49 +0000 I absolutely love podcasts and I devour them every chance I get! My favorite format is when two people (generally women) speak about specific topics, which it sounds like you chose as your format, awesome! My favorite right now is Straight and Curly (they are on a brief seasonal break, which I highly recommend for podcasters) and there are probably 60 or so episodes available to listen. They are from Australia and discuss self improvement topics. They are super fun to listen to. I also listen to Happier and What Should I Read Next, but I find it makes me a little anxious that I can’t spend as much time (haha) reading as I’d like, especially since i actually prefer audio books (can you say multi tasking?) I also listen to Side Hustle School and Happier in Hollywood (Which I’m sure you hear about on Happier all the time). I always say Podcasts are like Netflix for radio, or Radio On Demand. And it’s so awesome that they are FREE! So, I have an Android phone and cannot use iTunes (makes me so frustrated when everyone says to rate and review in iTunes but I can’t!!) so I look forward to being able to access it soon (I use Player FM which I think is linked to Google) and add it to my subscription list!
