Comments on: Podcast: “Parenting is a creative act” Writer, Author, Speaker Thu, 16 Apr 2020 15:59:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leanne Sowul Sun, 28 Jan 2018 17:00:37 +0000 In reply to Byrd.

Thanks, Byrd! They were Sarah’s recommendations but it wasn’t any trouble to find them. I’m so glad you came to visit my blog!

By: Byrd Sun, 28 Jan 2018 12:14:02 +0000 In reply to Byrd.

Answering my own question thanks to Leanne – I asked on her blog, which btw is really interesting like the podcast. Thanks Leanne!

1. Laura Marlings, Semper Femina
2. Phoebe Bridgers, Stranger in the Alps
3. The Overcoats, Young

By: lauravanderkam Fri, 26 Jan 2018 15:19:00 +0000 In reply to Emily.

@Emily- I had asked about whether Leanne considered her job family friendly partly to raise this perspective. Many people assume that teachers work only school hours, and so they’re working when the kids are working and it’s all good! But many people contractually have to be there prior to the school opening (and after dismissal) meaning you still need before/after care. And teachers who really care about doing a good job wind up putting in FAR more hours than they are generally contracted for. A high school teacher who sees 80 kids a day and assigns them all a mere 3 page paper will be reading through 240 pages, and there goes the weekend. So yes, I’m not surprised at all that your corporate job features fewer hours and better pay!

By: Emily Thu, 25 Jan 2018 23:14:27 +0000 In reply to Emily.

Sorry, Leanne’s teaching job, not Laura’s. (This is what I get for typing comments on my phone in the middle of picking up my daughter from ballet.)

By: Emily Thu, 25 Jan 2018 23:11:23 +0000 Hi all,

First, thanks Laura and Sarah for the great podcast! Best of Bith Worlds was my “gateway podcast” and still the only one I keep up with every week.

Second, as someone who is a former high school math and physics teacher at a new school with a demanding IB curriculum, I want to throw in the perspective that while Laura’s job sounds pretty family friendly, I don’t think all teaching jobs are. I burned out at mine, working 50-60 hour weeks and basically never managing a full day of rest without some work in it during the school year. The summer vacation was nice, but the rest of the time, planning, grading, and giving students extra help took up tons of time beyond the offficial school hours.

I’ve traded that job in for a corporate job that has about 2/3 the weekly hours, double the pay, and allows for much much better work life balance. While I miss the summer vacations a bit, I still get a decent amount of holidays and vacation. In many ways I have more day-to-day flexibility, not being tied to a school schedule and having to plan for a sub whenever I’m out. And I still get excited to have weekends without any work.

So… not all teaching jobs are especially family friendly.

By: "Best of Both Worlds" Podcast Run-Down:: Leanne Sowul, Writer Thu, 25 Jan 2018 20:08:32 +0000 […] at this link. (The interview starts around 6.45.) You can also check out the discussion threads on Laura Vanderkam’s and Sarah Hart-Unger’s blogs: both comment sections are full of spirited […]

By: CBS Thu, 25 Jan 2018 10:04:44 +0000 This reminds me of Alison Gopnik’s lovely book The Gardener and the Carpenter. I found it really refreshing. The author wrote really beautifully about children – not as problems to be solved but people to be nurtured.

By: Byrd Wed, 24 Jan 2018 23:25:38 +0000 Could you post the music recommenda tions from this episode? Or are there show notes somewhere?

By: Byrd Wed, 24 Jan 2018 23:24:38 +0000 In reply to Virginia.


By: lauravanderkam Wed, 24 Jan 2018 21:49:43 +0000 In reply to Anne.

@Anne- thanks so much! I appreciate the recommendations!
