kitchen hacks Archives - Laura Vanderkam Writer, Author, Speaker Fri, 02 Aug 2024 16:24:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 kitchen hacks Archives - Laura Vanderkam 32 32 145501903 Mini content round-up Fri, 02 Aug 2024 16:24:39 +0000 Happy Friday! We have one kid coming home from camp today after three weeks, which is very exciting. The 9-year-old is one week into his 2 weeks away, and I think all is going well — I’m only going on two emails from the camp counselor saying all was good, but I assume if things were terrible someone would tell me 🙂

My monthly “Just a Minute” newsletter went out yesterday with an essay about getting the right vacation balance. Some are relaxing, some are adventurous. It’s good to have both! My weekly “Week’s worth” newsletter goes out tomorrow morning, and I have to say, I really enjoyed this week’s topic. You can sign up for my newsletters by filling in your email on my home page (for the free time makeover guide).

Over at Vanderhacks I did a kitchen + food theme for the week. I suggested “Don’t store produce in your produce drawers,” and that you can save time, money, and mental space when you “Pack a snack (and water).” The post behind the paywall was “Laura’s little list of kitchen hacks.

The Before Breakfast podcast covered that you should “Make complete plans, even if they’re tentative,” and that it might be fun to “Run into people.

Over at the Best of Both Worlds Patreon community page we had an 80-comment discussion on the idea that “Kids need time and money.” I feel like a lot of the discussion of mothers working for pay centers on potentially “losing” time with kids, but there are a lot of upsides to what gaining extra income can afford a family — as many people who grew up in more tight circumstances have commented on. Please come join us!

We are doing celebratory dinners this weekend for good grades in the spring (sometimes it takes a while to schedule things…) and there may be peach picking. Stay tuned…

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