Comments on: ATM Book Club Week 3 (Chapter 2) Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 20 Mar 2012 13:07:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cara Marcano Tue, 20 Mar 2012 13:07:22 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=2125#comment-21025 And it is a mindset — one the rest of America could learn from the entrepreneur or small business owner…. a late is $3.50. i tend to use my neighbors keirug or instant coffee with skim plus… but I pay $10,000 a year in property taxes and 9 percent taxo n income b/c I live in NJ…. I could have a lot of lattes to make up for those choices.. which account probably for a $1100 a month or more in where my income goes.. that said my business and contacts are based where I live.. transferrable skill sets i do have but I run a local business so part of the decision to live in one area also becomes and investment in that choice ot make more.. but it is a choice. .just as of course some days we choose to be home with our kids more or etc. it’s the mindset that it should be a choice that is interesting ..not an assumption we make b/c of joneses etc.

By: Laura Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:40:39 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=2125#comment-21024 In reply to Twin Mom.

@Twin Mom – I think it’s a smart move to transition back into the workforce. It seldom hurts to meet new people in a field you’re interested in. Even if they personally can’t help you, they may know people who can.

By: Laura Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:39:12 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=2125#comment-21023 In reply to Cara Marcano.

@Cara- I do tend to think there is a limit to how much you can cut. At least in theory there’s no limit to how much you can earn. In reality of course there usually is. But cutting back from one’s current standard of living is often unpleasant. Is it more unpleasant than working more? That’s something every individual can decide, but I think both sides of the equation are worth looking at.

By: Cara Marcano Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:28:56 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=2125#comment-21022 I think it is a good idea to make more rather than cut and cut and interesting how more of housing and transportation… is than say a latte etc or eating lunch out once a week…

I liked the Ground Hog day idea for ideal weekend and just thinking simply of weekend as Friday night . sat a.m. pm night and sun a.m. and pm … friday nights are tough for me as hubby works late… so I have to work on fun things to do friday nights with kids when we are tired from workweek and daycare etc. some weekends we do a big outing to zoo and some weekends we have smaller things like playdates a bit outing every weekend is too much for me ! also working on something in weekend that is for me.. harder when you are a parent but possible if planned… shoe shopping with kids this past weekend counted !

By: Twin Mom Mon, 19 Mar 2012 05:03:00 +0000 http://localhost:8888/?p=2125#comment-21021 Coming from a family with lots of teachers, engineers and blue collar workers, my views on increasing income are rather different. When overtime was unavailable at my Dad’s job, he took an afternoon paper route to help earn gas money. It was good exercise but $20/week didn’t go far even in the early 90’s.

In my own life, I’m paying for preschool for twins in part to have time to intern with a local professional engineer (whose willing to accept me for an unpaid internship) in order to meet people and make connections to seek part-time work. A second full-time job, where I’d take home less than $15-20k for working 40-50 unpredictable hours/week, isn’t worth it for our family. I’d rather give up luxuries. We’ll see if the unpaid internship in the new area of engineering turns into anything. (My own field, semiconductor processing, has migrated overseas.)
