Comments on: Friday miscellany: The light is shifting Writer, Author, Speaker Sun, 13 Feb 2022 23:33:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Sun, 13 Feb 2022 23:33:35 +0000 In reply to Laura.

@Laura- very cool that it’s a sine curve! I want to be in the far north for the summer solstice some time – far enough for 24 hour daylight. I’ve been places where it’s light at 3 a.m., but not all the way.

By: Laura Sun, 13 Feb 2022 01:20:06 +0000 I used to do a project with my high schoolers on plot the hours of sunlight (it’s a sine curve, and the inflection point, the spring equinox).
One thing I keep noticing is the speed of the sun across the sky – you know how it seems to get up there so quickly in the morning, once it actually gets over the horizon, but then it feels like it kind of just hangs out up there for a while?

By: Elisabeth Fri, 11 Feb 2022 19:52:19 +0000 “Though as far as I know the only thing we have on the calendar for that is a joint meeting with someone about the water pipes on our street.” Lines like this always make me laugh. What becomes normal in parenting or marriage relationships would likely be slightly horrifying to my younger self. But that’s life and it’s also part of the intimacy that grows as lived become more and more entwined in the mundane and the spectacular (although most falls into the mundane category).

In terms of light, I read a blog post by Diane (Life Off Headset: yesterday. It’s worth a read!
Here is a snippet:
“I know the way the light falls is just how the earth spins and tilts, but it seems like there is some cosmic plan here. Why else would the world look so beautiful just when I don’t feel like I have the time to slow down and not miss it? I mean now, when it is so cold outside and the dirty slush soaks through my poor choice of footwear? When all I want to do is be back inside my house, something is telling me that, “No, actually, what you need is fresh air. There is plenty out here if only you will pause and look and breathe.”

Of course I know that in a few weeks, the sun will hit that special horizon spot at a different point in my day. It will be there slanting through the kitchen window as I make breakfast, lunch and prep dinner. Morning activities that once felt practically nocturnal when carried out in the pre-dawn darkness will now feel very much part of the day.

I guess the sunlight will always peek through the trees and over rooftops twice a day. The rays will come through the kitchen window in the morning and flood the living room in the afternoon. It’s a predictable yet moving moment.”

By: Kamala Fri, 11 Feb 2022 17:45:07 +0000 And Yay! to longer days of summer (it's already starting in my part of the world)]]> I am so glad Snake-y was found 😀
And Yay! to longer days of summer (it’s already starting in my part of the world)
