Comments on: Best of Both Worlds podcast: Gillian Goddard on medicine and bigger families Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 31 Mar 2020 17:02:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 24 Jan 2020 15:47:08 +0000 In reply to Dana.

@Dana – we definitely love to talk about how families manage two big careers. There’s a pretty big assumption out there that it is impossible or too crazy to try but we love to talk about people who find it doable.

By: Dana Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:35:10 +0000 Thank you for this podcast. It was amazing. My husband is a partner at a public accounting firm. It was super helpful to hear how they balanced the husband’s hours as a partner at a law firm. I’d love to hear from more women in this boat!

By: Michele Fri, 17 Jan 2020 18:00:46 +0000 In reply to Sarah L.

Not to pile on, but I agree with the above comments that Laura and even Sarah had a really off-putting tone in the answer to this question. I listen to this podcast a lot and was excited about this episode because of this particular Q&A. The degree to which you guys scoffed and said she “should” have plenty of time was thoughtless, and insinuating that their kids aren’t independent enough is fairly rude. Young kids are an energy drain, households need to be run, commuting is exhausting, etc.

I suspect that so many of your readers and listeners are feeling the way that questioner is–I know I am!–so to be so dismissive of her concerns seems counterproductive. The comments above are way more empathetic and give more concrete advice (thanks, @YC!) than the podcast did.

One other thought for the questioner in the podcast–is it worth looking at jobs that allow for some working at home? That makes all the difference for me.

By: Sarah L Fri, 17 Jan 2020 01:21:44 +0000 I agree with your sentiments completely, Sarah and Erica. The response to the listener was dismissive at best. Laura, I’m a big fan, but you missed the mark on this one. As Brene Brown would say, empathy is not a pizza, giving some to one person doesn’t mean there is less for another. I get the feeling of the hamster wheel, drudgery and that’s what I gleaned from the listener’s letter. My kids are similar ages and at times it’s so overwhelming to be needed so intensely. The advice was decent but the tone was a slap in the face. If I were her, I would feel so much worse than before. I wouldn’t comment if I didn’t love the podcast and know you can do better.

By: Erica Thu, 16 Jan 2020 14:43:44 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

I felt the same way when I listened to the podcast. The advice given seemed useful, but the tone wasn’t very empathetic. I don’t think “shoulds” are usually very helpful, particularly when they’re about how one “should” feel.

Separately, I’m not sure if the number of hours in a day is always the most important metric to focus on; for many people, energy (physical and/or emotional) runs out before time, and it’s hard to deploy hours at the end of the day effectively if you feel like sludge. Maybe some carefully-targeted downtime between work and home would help, or something fun to look forward to at the end of the day. To me the tone of the question makes it sound like the issue isn’t only hours, but also a lack of joy in the routine.

By: Sarah Thu, 16 Jan 2020 02:27:12 +0000 I’ve listened to Best of Both Worlds from the start and usually really enjoy the podcast. I rarely comment, but the tone of the answer to the listener question has been bothering me since I listened yesterday. I thought that the content of the answer was great, lots of useful advice, but the tone was really lacking in empathy.

I wonder if some of this stems from the fact that many questions around balancing work and life are about the future. For people wondering how to balance a career and kids in the future, pointing out the 62 hours left or saying that it gets easier after they’re past the toddler stage can be really useful. But for a person struggling now, it doesn’t really matter if a 6 and 8 year old shouldn’t be as hard, it feels hard to her. I think the answer could have used a lot less judgement about why it actually shouldn’t be so hard in between the really useful advice.

(And maybe it’s rude to note another podcast, but I’ve noticed that the “Happier” podcast does a really good job with this. For a wide variety of questions do a really nice job of thoroughly acknowledging that whatever is going on is a difficult situation and never seem to belittle or trivialize the question.)

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 15 Jan 2020 22:47:48 +0000 In reply to Chelsea.

@Chelsea – yep, a commute can be a total energy suck. Long term, it might be worth looking into changing.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 15 Jan 2020 22:45:57 +0000 In reply to Sarah K.

@Sarah – I think if I had a long commute I would hate to leave the house afterwards. carpools can be amazing!

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 15 Jan 2020 22:44:19 +0000 In reply to Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns.

@Lisa – so glad the “three times a week is a habit” idea was helpful to you. I agree that for this listener, aiming to exercise 3x per week could be really helpful…and realistic.

By: Laura Vanderkam Wed, 15 Jan 2020 22:42:49 +0000 In reply to Gillian.

@Gillian – totally agree that kids need to take the lead on homework. And yep, exercise can be done at home, and this couple can certainly trade off evenings or early mornings or weekends to fit it in.
