Comments on: A weekend of solo parenting, and rescuing the narrative Writer, Author, Speaker Wed, 14 Nov 2018 16:50:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ellie Wed, 14 Nov 2018 16:50:59 +0000 That really resonates with me, especially as I recently come back from a holiday week with the kids (not solo but even the two of us – parents – do not seem to manage the two of them – kids!). Shifting perspective (thus changing the narrative) is one of the hardest thing for me. Perhaps because I am a natural pessimist, so bad things tend to stick way more in my memory than good ones. And I tend to have high expectations so I also have to learn to tune that down to avoid disappointment. Not easy but I keep a list of good things happening (even tiny things like an good book I read) and I look back at it when I feel it is all dark and gloomy. And then yes, life is not always great, but it is also not that bad.

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 13 Nov 2018 02:41:55 +0000 In reply to Marthe.

@Marthe – three cheers for planning!

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 13 Nov 2018 02:41:35 +0000 In reply to Katherine.

@Katherine – 12,000 words is good! Keep pecking!

By: Laura Vanderkam Tue, 13 Nov 2018 02:41:16 +0000 In reply to EB.

@EB – thanks- the bump has gone down considerably! It is interesting how much we care about the order in which things happen. Someone who holds out a certain belief, and then acts differently, is called a hypocrite. Someone who acts badly, and then changes his belief, is viewed more positively. I’m not saying it doesn’t matter — the order, that is — but it also is true that both have had periods of errancy and good.

By: Katherine Tue, 13 Nov 2018 02:18:03 +0000 You had a good weekend. Who doesn’t love feeding giraffes! Thanks for the #nanowrimo mention a few weeks ago. I’m at 12,000 words and pecking away.

By: EB Mon, 12 Nov 2018 22:29:23 +0000 I really liked the Ebeneezer Scrooge example regarding endings. Interesting insight and reminder to look at the entire picture. (Not to say we shouldn’t also encourage Ebeneezer Scrooge epiphanies-and it’s never too late! Just don’t forget the good memories too.)

And honestly–that was really sweet of the 3 yo’s get well soon card. I find my 4yo actually gets more upset and defensive when he hurts someone (even if completely by accident). As in he bursts into tears and runs away when it is the other kid who is hurt! It’s so hard to get him to apologize. Accidents happen and are awful, but at least are learning experiences for how to react appropriately to them. Take the get well card as an overall win. And I do hope your daughter feels better too!

By: Marthe Mon, 12 Nov 2018 19:44:23 +0000 Yup, when I read this I think you had a great weekend! Bruises happen. You planned very well!
