Comments on: 2022 Time Tracking Challenge: Day 7 Writer, Author, Speaker Mon, 17 Jan 2022 19:19:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elisabeth Mon, 17 Jan 2022 19:19:10 +0000 In reply to Laura Vanderkam.

This HAS been a lot of blogging for you to fit in to an obviously already hectic schedule! But they have been very fun to read and makes me feel like I’m living in vacation land in my own life by comparison!
Schools were released early today because of a snowstorm (good call as the roads are now terrible), so we’ve fit in at least 1/2 day of in-person schooling for 2022.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 17 Jan 2022 19:14:30 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

@Elisabeth – it’s fun to do this once a year or so but it is a lot of blogging!! Hope that you get a lot more in person schooling soon. That is just so disruptive and hard to plan life around…

By: Elisabeth Mon, 17 Jan 2022 14:55:02 +0000 Oh Laura! I just love these posts and wish you DID write them everyday.
First, they are just fascinating. Seeing “behind-the-curtain” is always a thrill to me (maybe why I enjoy memoirs so much).
Second, your Tetris-like scheduling leaves my head spinning – but in a good “I don’t know how she does it, but I’ve read her books so I do *kinda* know how she does it.
Three, your perspective is just so helpful to me right now. The kids returned for in-person learning for the first time today and I received a notice at 6:15 am it was actually going to be a 1/2 day because of inclement weather. I’m heading into a work meeting in 7 minutes which will now have to fit into a 30-minute time-frame because my kids are coming home on a bus after only 3 hours at school. Sigh.
But you deal with this and more, so I can do it too!
Sorry about the wallpaper and battery, but yay for singing, piano playing, and ice-skating.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 17 Jan 2022 13:53:49 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

@Melissa- so sorry to hear about the heater! I hope you get it fixed soon. And in the meantime, a fire is nice sometimes. Though not for too long…

By: Melissa Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:22:56 +0000 The not-so-fun part I ended up spending time on this Sunday was our heater, which more-or-less gave up. Was not great waking to a cold house! Tweaked it as best I could, was grateful we have other sources of heat. Researched options for a replacement. Then got our fireplace going, and did puzzles with my boys in front of it – so some fun did come out of it too!
