Comments on: 2018 Time-Tracking Challenge: Day 1 Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 17 Apr 2018 13:56:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: How Did My Time-Tracking Week Go? - Intentional Living Tue, 16 Jan 2018 00:35:14 +0000 […] this year (having almost immediately dropped out last January) and also thoroughly enjoyed reading Laura’s daily updates (link is to the first day’s post; you can then read the rest if you’re interested) on […]

By: Katy Cannon Wed, 10 Jan 2018 09:21:24 +0000 Day 1 was my first full work day of the year, and I got masses done (possibly because I was very aware of tracking my time!). My two year old is finally settling into his routine again after the holidays, so morning and bedtimes went quite smoothly. I even had time to watch the first episode of a new series of a show we love with my husband, and still got to bed at a good time! Hoping the rest of the week goes as well…

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 09 Jan 2018 17:56:32 +0000 In reply to Fan from Boston.

@Fan from Boston- I think figuring out how to use transition times, such as commuting times, is a key part of making time for fun stuff. It’s time we have, it’s just often hard to use. If we can use it, especially to boost energy (like the walk) it’s a big win.

By: Fan from Boston Tue, 09 Jan 2018 16:25:47 +0000 My most thought-provoking insight from Day 1 was about travel time. I’m currently not working for pay, about to launch my own business and in the meantime doing some very heavy volunteering/pro bono stuff. Despite not having a “job” to go to, I spent just over 2 hours yesterday commuting to various meetings (and I didn’t do my kids’ school dropoff or pickup yesterday!) Time tracking made me more aware of these commute times and what I did with them. There were four chunks throughout the day, and I tried to match them with time of day and energy level. Two I used for email cleanout/catchup on my phone while riding the subway. The third I decided to walk instead of taking the subway – this added 10 minutes, but I used the walk to get some exercise and to call my mother for fun. The walk helped energize me for the 3 hour meeting I was heading into. The last one, about 9 pm, I just sat on the subway – partly because my phone battery was very low and partly because at that point the most productive thing I could do was just sit. For the rest of the week, I’m thinking about (a) how to restructure my schedule to cut back a bit on commute time, and (b) for the commute times I need to do, how to fill them well given where I am in the day.
