Comments on: Multi-tasking burns more time than you think, but you can get those hours back. Writer, Author, Speaker Wed, 21 Dec 2022 05:02:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Time Management Tips for Parents | Eat Sleep Breathe FI Wed, 21 Dec 2022 05:02:21 +0000 […] There are dozens of time-tracking apps and printed templates out there. Pick one and use it for a couple of weeks to discover where your time leaks are occuring. (I used and liked the Smarter Time app, which I discovered through Laura Vanderkam’s review.) […]

By: Time Management Tips for Parents - Chronicles Of A Father With Cents Thu, 20 Jun 2019 13:01:13 +0000 […] There are dozens of time-tracking apps and printed templates out there. Pick one and use it for a couple of weeks to discover where your time leaks are occurring. (I used and liked the Smarter Time app, which I discovered through Laura Vanderkam’s review.) […]

By: Lisa Thu, 12 May 2016 18:19:29 +0000 When I was in law firms we tracked in 6 minute intervals. We had to state precisely what we did if it was billable. I did that when I did my first time study while reading I KNOW HOW… when I participated in your study earlier this year my week was totally DEAD. Almost no assignments. I may try this app so I can recommend it to folks on the go. I LOVED “How to Think Bigger”–the worst thing that can usually happen in life is “no,” Great stuff.

By: lauravanderkam Tue, 10 May 2016 16:01:08 +0000 In reply to Rocio.

@Rocio- Thanks for your comment! And thanks for reading my books – I really appreciate it. A number of people have tried Toggl as a first shot at time-tracking. It’s free for the basic version, and pretty simple. After you try it for a few days you can figure out if you need more bells and whistles and then go into the time-tracking market knowing what you need (which is better than starting blindly and trying to figure out if features like invoice creation or charts matter to you).

By: Rocio Tue, 10 May 2016 15:46:09 +0000 Hi Laura,

I read one of your articles in Verily a couple of weeks ago and loved it! I bought three of your books right after, I just read one and I am reading 168 hours…I am so excited and already being more conscious about the use of my time…I will email you with my progress! I would like to track my time for a week, I tried to download that one but I have an iphone, do you know any other app to track time that you would recommend? Thank you!

By: Anna Winterstein Sat, 07 May 2016 11:56:35 +0000 In reply to Joanna.

Hi Joanna, thank you for signing up, hope you find the app useful!
Re the smart watches, we are not connected to them yet, partly because we use Wi-Fi for our learning algorithms, and most watches don’t have that. But we do know that’s something we’ll have to tackle in the future.
I also had trouble keeping my phone with me all the time at the beginning, but I got used to it in the long run – mine is waterproof though, which helps in many situations!

By: Anna Winterstein Sat, 07 May 2016 10:35:17 +0000 Thank you so much Laura for listening to my experience and writing such a great story about it! It was a real pleasure talking to you.

By: June Fri, 06 May 2016 17:10:49 +0000 Thank you for linking to Frugal Girl’s post that was a kind take on Neal Gabler. The tone of the article really bugged me. While he may have noted his own choices played a role in his circumstances, it struck me as a deflection and not nearly introspective enough given the circumstances. The line about asking him to make different choices would be akin to asking him to be someone else really got to me. If he had written an article saying he got into his own bind, regretted it, and was looking for ways out, I would be sympathetic. But by tying himself to those who really have fallen into hard times through bad luck and the economy, it made it very hard to do anything but roll my eyes at the article.

By: June Fri, 06 May 2016 17:04:44 +0000 In reply to lauravanderkam.

I will be interested to see this study replicated on those who take a more modest route to weight loss. The measures (both in terms of eating and exercise) are so extreme that it does not seem surprising that the body would “rebel.”

By: lauravanderkam Fri, 06 May 2016 16:56:52 +0000 In reply to cathy.

@cathy- I think that’s the key part of it. It can be done, but it’s generally unsustainable with any sort of normal life. What did seem interesting is that bariatric surgery was not (as) associated with the same problems — figuring out why might be key to successful obesity treatment.
