Comments on: Podcast: Life and household management systems for keeping chaos at bay Writer, Author, Speaker Tue, 14 Apr 2020 16:36:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: JG Fri, 12 Apr 2019 16:15:26 +0000 Yep, I can understand 10 loads of laundry a week. We have 4 kiddos, but our biggest dilemma is a lack of closet space. We only have a 3-bedroom house, so the kids double up and one of the closets is actually too small even for 2 kiddos. We have utilized under-the-bed totes because I detest dressers. Towels for 6 people plus the abundance of kitchen towels and wash clothes is easily one-day-a-load, clothes probably every-other-day.

We only have 2 bathrooms, so I have the kiddos brush their teeth in the kitchen so they aren’t holding up the bathroom for someone with a more urgent need. Besides, the kitchen sink gets wiped up more times a day than I care to count, so I don’t have to wash an extra sink or look at toothpaste globs there either.

By: Laura Vanderkam Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:47:50 +0000 In reply to Annie.

@Annie – yes, that fun mess of sunscreen + sand might dictate slightly more frequent showers…

By: Annie Mon, 11 Mar 2019 15:42:36 +0000 In reply to Sophia.

My kids do this so regularly (sleep in tomorrow’s clothes) that I quit buying pajamas. They never wore them…
We live in Puerto Rico, so it’s always warm weather. Nightly showers are imperative for us, though, because… sand. We have a standard night routine: dinner, showers, family time, bed. After showers the boys just throw on shorts and in the morning they add a t-shirt.

By: Melanie Wed, 06 Mar 2019 03:59:09 +0000 I forget where I learned this idea, but my girls who are 8 and 5 get their own days where they can go first, choose things (like which way to walk to school, which seat to sit in), things like that. Oldest gets even days, youngest gets odd days. And my husband and I get the 31st if there is one that month! It eliminates a majority of the negotiations that can happen on a daily basis.

I also meal plan and prep as much ahead as I can.

By: Ellie Sun, 03 Mar 2019 13:53:31 +0000 What works for me now with a 4 years old and a 15 months old:

– Packing meals for school: even though we cook dinner every night, I sign up my son for the hot meal at lunch so we just have to pack breakfast and snacks. I make a schedule for the week so my husband and I can take turn preparing that in the evening (my husband used too often the excuse of « I don’t know what to pack » and it also ensures that we don’t pack the same thing that the other parent planned the day before / keep some healthy balance over the week).
– Kids clothes: as much as possible, I try to prepare clothes the night before (doesn’t happen every day though). For buying new clothes, unless I notice things really got too small and urgently need to be replaced, I wait for the change of seasons (before fall/winter and before spring/summer). I do an inventory and check how much new stuff is needed. I then shop at an outlet mall that has serveral brands of kids clothes. I spent half a day there and buy loads of stuff. If I still miss specific items, I order online.
– Evening routine: we take turns. One goes put the kids in bed and one cleans up the kitchen and prep for the next day.
– Morning routine: I wake up at 6:15, hit the bathroom/get dressed; my husband usually comes in around the same time; I wake up my son at 6:30 (hoping he hits the bathroom around 6:45, the time I get the little one out ouf bed); kids get dressed up (my husband helps my son to get started then he goes down to finish up packing the stuff for the day); we go downstairs around 7:00, put on shoes and coats and leave around 7:10. I drop my son at school and hop on the train at 7:30. My husband leaves at about the same time and drops our daughter to childcare. (Now breathe! That often feels like the most painful part of my day as it is a race against the clock. I especially became very jealous of people who can get breakfast at home!)
– Laundry: I usually do 4-5 loads over the weekends (that one is fully one me). The dryer saved my life here (no more bloody socks or underwear to hang!) and I usually do the ironing on Sunday/Monday evening (watching TV to make it bearable) so we’re good for the week.

By: Laura Vanderkam Fri, 01 Mar 2019 11:20:57 +0000 In reply to Sophia.

@Sophia – Some of my kids sleep in the clothes they wore the previous day (if it’s not a bath night). Does require remembering to get dressed in the morning, but it saves on laundry…

By: Sophia Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:31:00 +0000 For young kids you can just let them sleep in the clothes that they are wearing the next day. My oldest 2 (3 and 7 years) were basically wearing sweats and leggings every day anyways so why not just wear them to bed and wake up dressed?

By: Claire Fri, 01 Mar 2019 00:18:26 +0000 In reply to ARC.

My dad used to do this with me at a local coffee shop when I was a kid! Made homework a lot more fun 🙂

By: ARC Thu, 28 Feb 2019 19:30:13 +0000 It doesn’t “save time”, per se, but is more of a multi-tasking tip. My 6yo is in a Mandarin Immersion elementary school and we aren’t native speakers, so there is a fair amount of homework AND it’s challenging. She is not a people-pleasing kid, so it’s been a real struggle to get her to just sit down and do her homework (which is enough that it needs to be spread out over a couple of days), let alone worry about whether she’s “doing her best”. What helped dramatically was taking her to a favorite restaurant, and hanging out there while doing her homework. I usually bring something I need to work on as well, and we take advantage of the Happy Hour specials they have running at the time and call it an early dinner at 3:30 or 4pm. It’s made a previous struggle a LOT more pleasant and I get 1:1 time with her (sometimes her sister comes too). We’ve had days where we’ve knocked out almost all of her homework in one session and just have a tiny bit left over. I also find that mornings are easier to get her to do the harder items and since she still gets up so early, we have a reasonable chunk of time before leaving for school.

By: ARC Thu, 28 Feb 2019 19:21:50 +0000 In reply to Katherine.

+1 to if…then! My girls have breakfast once they’re dressed, hair and teeth brushed 🙂 They are slow/distracted eaters, so this really works to get out the door for school. They also have a detailed weekly chart that lists all of the self-care/jobs they need to do each day (feed the dog, get the mail, do homework, etc) and if they’ve checked off everything they can have screen time. It works so much better than me nagging them, especially now that the younger one can read (what does the chart say?).
