Finding time to exercise
As people are starting to turn in their time logs for the 168 Hours project, certain themes are coming up again and again. One recurring …Read More
As people are starting to turn in their time logs for the 168 Hours project, certain themes are coming up again and again. One recurring …Read More
One of the most fascinating -- and I must say, often simply reflexive -- lines of feedback I've gotten about the concepts of 168 Hours …Read More
One of the most universal -- and often wasteful -- features of corporate life is the weekly departmental meeting. This all-hands-on-deck meeting tends to take …Read More
My September 2009 issue of Glamour has a one page profile with life management advice from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who happens to be my senator …Read More
One of the questions I'm encountering most with people logging their time for the 168 Hours project is "how can I find more time to …Read More
Fascinating "charticle" on the 2008 American Time Use Survey at the New York Times website. Looks at how Americans of various demographics spend their days. …Read More
There is a Q&A with me in Canada's Globe and Mail today called "Sorry Moms, 168 hours a week is plenty of time." I think …Read More
I am now filling out Penguin's Author Questionnaire. Among the requests was that I write my own synopsis/blurb for the book. After a while, I …Read More
As I'm finishing up the draft of 168 Hours, I plan to send it to a number of test readers in order to see if …Read More
I'm starting to get some great information coming in from volunteers who've kept time logs for 168 hours (I learned, for instance, that my little …Read More