How Orhan Pamuk focuses on his core competencies
The Weekend Journal section of today's WSJ has a round-up of how various novelists crank out their words. It's a comforting article, in some ways, …Read More
The Weekend Journal section of today's WSJ has a round-up of how various novelists crank out their words. It's a comforting article, in some ways, …Read More
This week's Business Week reported on the financial woes prevalent at private golf clubs. The current crisis many are experiencing is predominantly recession-related. More white-collar …Read More
Today, the Wall Street Journal's Cranky Consumer column tackled the growing industry of milk delivery. Actually a very old-fashioned industry, the milkman is staging a …Read More
No, it's not a 4-hour workweek. But according to this article from Time magazine, Utah's state experiment with keeping its government offices open longer hours, …Read More
I'm in the midst of reviewing Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives for City Journal. This book, …Read More
That's the subject of my most recent USA TODAY column--about how, by living as frugally as possible, Americans who lived through the Depression (or other …Read More
Looking to get out of the house the other night (see the post about 168 hours and an infant), and not wishing to cook, I …Read More
Many of us feel like we don't have a lot of recreational free time these days. In fact, we have more time than we think, …Read More
Life is a bit busier in my household these days as we welcomed little Samuel Dwight Conway on September 24. He was surprisingly big -- …Read More
(cross-posted at So it came out yesterday that Conde Nast, after a thorough review by McKinsey, will be shuttering a number of titles. As a …Read More