When you say the phrase “good mother” what images does that conjure up? Where do those images come from?
In this week’s episode of Best of Both Worlds, Sarah interviews Nancy Reddy, author of the new book The Good Mother Myth. They talk through many of these myths — those that apply to the early years and the later parenting years too — with a nod to where they came from and where we might go next.
In the Q&A we tackle a question on how to find babysitters. Please give the episode a listen! And please consider joining our Best of Both Worlds Patreon community. This week we’ll be gathering by Zoom on Wednesday at 2 p.m. eastern to discuss “The Adventure Project” — little ways to keep life more interesting.
I hope that you have received the email that I sent you that tells you that I’m unable to include any images, including the screenshots of the records of my discussion with Dr. Elena Lister about 2 to 3 years ago about what it means to be a parent and what makes me competent as a parent, in this comment, Ms. Laura Vanderkam. If you don’t have time to reply to this email right now, you can take your time to reply later.
I’ve also reached out to Ms. Nancy Reddy to connect.