7 fire-starters for your campfire of ideas
Those of you with scouting careers likely remember the myriad tricks used to start campfires. I'm not talking matches -- I'm talking the things you …Read More
Those of you with scouting careers likely remember the myriad tricks used to start campfires. I'm not talking matches -- I'm talking the things you …Read More
It's about 9:20 a.m. on the east coast, and I've been up since 5:20. Not on purpose. While I love summer, the early rising sun …Read More
Over the weekend, we got to meet Dr. Scott, the paleontologist.Those of you with preschoolers may know just how big a deal this is. “Dr. …Read More
There is an old worn paper bag sitting in my office right now with a curious object inside: a half-finished cross-stitched Christmas stocking. The pattern …Read More
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a young man (or woman) in possession of a desire to better his finances must soon be in …Read More
UPS delivered a most delightful looking book to my doorstep today; see photo at left. Yep, the first batch of All the Money in the …Read More
One of the true joys I remember from 4th and 5th grade was earning my junior Girl Scout badges. My troop earned plenty through projects …Read More
I really like the idea of New Year's resolutions. I guess that's part of writing in the self-help genre! The idea of striving to live …Read More
I started writing this blog post before my children woke up (they were up late last night) so in some sense I’m “using my mornings.” …Read More