Keep your focus (and tidy the basement while you’re at it)
If you’re like me, you probably have a wide variety of personal and family projects that threaten to occupy your mental space when you're supposed …Read More
If you’re like me, you probably have a wide variety of personal and family projects that threaten to occupy your mental space when you're supposed …Read More
Some children have an imaginary friend. My 5-year-old has an imaginary mom. He calls her “My other mom,” and regales us with all sorts of …Read More
We have a paper problem in our house. My 5-year-old loves to draw and write and make maps. He likes nothing better than to write …Read More
In my talks -- especially to professional women's groups with a 30- and 40-something demographic -- I've started throwing out a question: It's Saturday. Your …Read More
It’s that time of year again -- time for a round of blog posts, ebooks and magazine articles on how to simplify Christmas. “Simple” is …Read More
We are at a fascinating juncture in the publishing industry. Penguin and Random House are merging, partly to better deal with the disruptive aspects of …Read More
Those of you who have been around here for a while know that I don’t have particularly romantic notions of writing. It is a career …Read More
(Cross-posted at Gifted Exchange) At my 5-year-old's annual check-up the other day, the doctor asked if he was taking any art or music classes. I …Read More
I've been thinking a lot lately about what computers can do. I've also been thinking about a quote, paraphrased from Ambassador Frank Baxter (who now …Read More
One of the most evocative concepts in economics is “creative destruction.” In Joseph Schumpeter’s 1942 book, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, he described this force as …Read More