The next feminist issue is sleep…or not
Over at The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington and Cindi Leive (Glamour's editor-in-chief) have taken up a new cause for the new year: getting American women …Read More
Over at The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington and Cindi Leive (Glamour's editor-in-chief) have taken up a new cause for the new year: getting American women …Read More
While weekdays often pass in a blur of rushing from one thing to the next, weekends require a different mindset. It's easy to lose track …Read More
My column on the changes in December women's magazines from the 1950s to today ran in USA Today this morning as "Mags show how far …Read More
In some of the pre-pub press on 168 Hours, I've been referred to as an "aspiring time management guru," which isn't entirely true. I wrote …Read More
I am quoted in a white paper from Ad Age on marketing to moms. Drawing on the "Core Competency Mom" series that I wrote for …Read More
(cross-posted at This year I attempted to make my first big turkey dinner. The holiday meal has long been one of those womanly rites of …Read More
The pre-order page is up, here. Very exciting! Six months until launch...Read More
Like the rest of humanity, I watched Sarah Palin's appearance on Oprah on Monday. (I have a personal interest in her book... I had wanted …Read More
"Your email is not your work; it is simply a tool to help you do your work." -- Paul Sloane at Lifehack.orgRead More
I have been trying to work a lighter schedule since Sam's birth on September 24. I'm feeding him every 3 hours during the day, plus …Read More